Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Anand_Bharadwaj Anand Bharadwaj
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>Anand_Bharadwaj: EHILO 8D HELIO +24 24
>Peter_Kougi: DEGNOTU 7G TONGUED +68 68
>Anand_Bharadwaj: AMX 9E MAX +44 68
>Peter_Kougi: AAEOPRT 10C ATOP +28 96
#note TAPADERO :(.

>Anand_Bharadwaj: ADOW 8L DOWA +38 106
>Anand_Bharadwaj: ADOW -- -38 68
>Peter_Kougi: AAEERST J1 STEARA.E +63 159
>Anand_Bharadwaj: DOQU 1F QUOD. +45 113
>Peter_Kougi: ACFGIIS 8L FIGS +48 207
#note FISC probably better.
>Anand_Bharadwaj: ESWY 11B WYES +39 152
>Peter_Kougi: ACEIIOR 2J .ORII +10 217
#note Felt like restricting the O lane.
>Anand_Bharadwaj: ACILOPR 3C CAPRIOL. +78 230
>Peter_Kougi: ?ACEGIO 1M GOA +17 234
#note Looks ok.
>Anand_Bharadwaj: HMO 4B OHM +31 261
>Peter_Kougi: ??ACEEI 5E CAusE.IE +82 316
>Anand_Bharadwaj: N M1 ..N +8 269
>Peter_Kougi: BELNNTU O3 BLUNT. +9 325
#note This or BUT 9M.
>Anand_Bharadwaj: INV 2B VIN +25 294
>Peter_Kougi: ABEIKLN 4J .LB +20 345
#note Dunno.
>Anand_Bharadwaj: AEEJRRT C9 J.. +21 315
>Peter_Kougi: AAEIKNW B4 .AK +17 362
#note Dunno again.
>Anand_Bharadwaj: ESTV 12A VEST +47 362
>Peter_Kougi: ADEINNW A12 .IEW +30 392
#note Best.
>Anand_Bharadwaj: ERTY 7A TYRE +24 386
>Peter_Kougi: ADEFNNU A7 .UND +15 407
#note Sims best.
>Anand_Bharadwaj: DEIRRZ 5A Z. +11 397
>Peter_Kougi: AEFN B14 FE +25 432
#note Had doubts about GANEF at the last moment so played it safe.
>Anand_Bharadwaj: DERR 7A ....D +17 414
#note Best.
>Peter_Kougi: AIN N4 ANI +13 445
>Peter_Kougi: (ERR) +6 451
Player 2
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