Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Heather_Long Heather Long
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>Heather_Long: III -III +0 0
>Peter_Kougi: AILNORW 8H OW +10 10
>Heather_Long: BEIX 9G IBEX +25 25
>Peter_Kougi: AGIILNR 7G GLAIRIN +74 84
>Heather_Long: AEMT 6J MATE +28 53
>Peter_Kougi: AEFKRUY 8L KERF +63 147
>Heather_Long: IIII -IIII +0 53
>Peter_Kougi: ?ALSUUY N2 SAULY +50 197
>Peter_Kougi: ?ALSUUY -- -50 147
>Heather_Long: IL K4 LI.. +8 61
>Peter_Kougi: ?ALSUUY N2 UnLAY +48 195
>Heather_Long: CEIV F9 VICE +28 89
>Peter_Kougi: AIJNOSU L1 JIAO +42 237
>Heather_Long: EEW 9L EWE +31 120
>Peter_Kougi: CDNPSTU 12B PUNT.D +18 255
#note Wasn't sure of PUNCED

>Heather_Long: RU 10J UR +15 135
>Peter_Kougi: CFNOSSY C9 FOC.S +28 283
#note I like COPSY better.

>Heather_Long: ERR 13G ERR +9 144
>Peter_Kougi: BEENSYZ B8 BEZ +70 353
>Heather_Long: DM 10E M.D +9 153
>Peter_Kougi: AAENNSY A7 NANA +42 395
>Heather_Long: ?EOPRST D3 TROuPES +75 228
>Peter_Kougi: AAEHHSY C2 YEAH +31 426
>Heather_Long: AQT B1 QAT +37 265
>Peter_Kougi: GHIINSU 10N HI +27 453
#note SHINJU.

>Heather_Long: EOTT E4 TOTE +28 293
>Peter_Kougi: DGINOSU O10 .NDIGO +30 483
>Heather_Long: ADELNOS N12 ODAL +24 317
>Peter_Kougi: GIOSUV F2 VIS +18 501
>Heather_Long: ENS B12 .ENS +14 331
>Heather_Long: (GOU) +8 339
Player 2
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