Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Gabriel Gabriel
#player2 Jason Jason
>Gabriel: KNRTUX 8H TRUNK +28 28
>Jason: HINOPSV M8 SIPHON +34 34
>Gabriel: AILNOUX H4 LUXA.ION +66 94
>Jason: DMNNSUV L12 MUN +20 54
>Gabriel: AQY J7 Q.AY +24 118
>Jason: DNOSTTV 5E VOD.N +18 72
>Gabriel: AB G5 .AB +25 143
>Jason: GLOSTTW F3 GL.W +37 109
#note Maybe I should've went with tow here, he's fishing and he likely has another a based on his ab play.
>Gabriel: ACELNRU 2A NUCLEAR +83 226
>Jason: EGIOSTT 15G EGOTIST +84 193
#note EGOTIST is one more at C12 but this spot is easier to block because of MUNI and I need bingo lanes.
>Gabriel: ?ADEGIS 12B DEGAmIS +85 311
#note He spent ages here, no 3x3 but there is the awesome 2x2 DIAGNoSE
>Jason: ?ABIOPR 14A BIPOlAR +76 269
>Gabriel: AEEEIVW A1 I.WEAVE +42 353
>Jason: ELRRTYZ 8A RETRY +69 338
>Jason: ELRRTYZ -- -69 269
#note There are 2 D's in the bag and chances are he drew one of them. I am 95% sure that inweaver is not a word but I think I have to try it here. He might not challenge because a lost challenge could mean the game. Held for 2 minutes before he made the right call.
>Gabriel: DEHOT 8A DOETH +75 428
>Jason: ELRRTYZ 10F ZL.T. +37 306
>Gabriel: EF 15A EF +32 460
>Jason: CEFIRRY 3H FERRIC +44 350
#note Held briefly =D
>Gabriel: DE 1G ED +11 471
>Jason: AEJOOSY 11A JOY +21 371
#note AY C11 is a very clever setup for JEEPS.
>Gabriel: AEEIIRT K3 .ETAI. +23 494
>Jason: AEMOS D1 A.ME +14 385
#note I have him mistracked as AIE so I opt to block ILEA
>Gabriel: EIR 10B REI +17 511
#note PHD math student and M.Sc. chemist apparently can't do simple math. Reported as 510-383.
>Gabriel: (OS) +4 515
Player 2
Prevent game from appearing in all lists of uploaded games?
Prevent game from appearing in list of recently uploaded games?

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