Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Doug Doug
#player2 Noah Noah
>Doug: AEPRUY 8D YAUPER +30 30
#note I held this for awhile, thinking it might only be YAWPER.
>Noah: ADNOQRT 7C QAT +29 29
>Doug: JSU J6 JUS +38 68
#note Likewise, I held this for awhile.
>Noah: ?DLNORR H4 ROND.L +8 37
#note I had a hard time with this play, and the many mediocre options presented to me. DRONER, which I didn't see, appears a bit better than RONDEL. One thing I considered was URD, which increases entropy nicely, but I just don't think LNOR? is the leave to take advantage of that. I didn't really like ROUND because it seemed easier for him to make difficult for me after it. I also didn't like DON because LRR? looks gross. I'll take the H4 plays.
>Doug: AGOT G3 TOGA +13 81
>Noah: ?IINORZ F2 ZIN +37 74
>Doug: ACEHMT E5 AT..CHE +48 129
#note He exposed an M here.
>Noah: ?FIKMOR 11B FOR.MIlK +66 140
#note The other play I considered was FORK. Unlike the last game, I think I made the right call here, because the board after FORK isn't great for bingoing. Baby steps.
>Doug: DEFM 12C FED +37 166
>Noah: BEEGORS 10E .OB +20 160
#note I think K4 EGO 17 is quite a bit better.
>Doug: ACDEMR 11B ........ED +38 204
>Doug: ACDEMR -- -38 166
>Noah: EEEEGRS H11 .EGER +18 178
#note This was a frustrating play. I considered 6J JEE 10, J11 SERGE 27, this, and 2C GEEZ 14. He was likely enough to have an A that GEEZ didn't make me happy, especially since it kept EERS on a board with nowhere to bingo. I didn't like SERGE because of the great and easy scoring lane it opened for him. And I didn't like JEE because he could block it with JEED easily. I didn't like this either, but it seemed like the lesser of evils.
>Doug: ACDEMR D1 CREAM +28 194
>Noah: AABEENS C3 BAA +25 203
>Doug: ?DDEENX 14B EXtEND.D +86 280
>Noah: EEHNNOS 1A HEN.E +30 233
>Doug: AEGWW 13H .EWGAW +34 314
>Noah: ILNORSU 15B RUIN +20 253
#note I also considered 12L LOUR 19, but didn't like it because it was too easy for Doug to deny me all bingo lanes outside of A1 after it.
>Doug: IIIOOO -IIIOOO +0 314
>Noah: ILNOSTT K3 INTO +17 270
#note I considered a play that set up esses and Es on column O, like TON or TOT, but the exchange six makes his chance of having an E or an S way to good. I like the board after my play. The leave is also good with a vowel heavy pool.
>Doug: LSUV N10 LUVS +24 338
>Noah: AILLSTV L12 L.V +12 282
#note So many options here and not a clue what to do. There are just too many average looking plays to select from. I played this because I saw some stuff it hit and I had only 3 minutes left on my clock.
>Doug: IO 10A OI +11 349
>Noah: AIILOST 4F ...I +4 286
#note Fishing for HOSPITAL/TOPSAIL.
>Doug: EIIOPST 15K ESTOP +32 381
>Noah: AILOSTY O6 ALIYOT +31 317
#note NOIL 4K is best.
>Doug: II A1 .I +5 386
>Noah: S 11B ........S +17 334
>Noah: (I) +2 336
Player 2
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