Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Mike_Stevens Mike Stevens
>Noah: DLQRRSZ -LQRZ +0 0
>Mike_Stevens: EFU 8F FEU +12 12
>Noah: DEEINRS 9B DENIERS +70 70
#note Which bingo would you play?
>Mike_Stevens: ?ENOSSV D3 VENiSO.S +72 84
>Noah: AELMNNO F5 NON..MALE +72 142
#note I thought of this and as I was putting it down realized NONMALE was no good. Played it anyway.
>Mike_Stevens: ARY E11 YAR +26 110
>Noah: ?EGNRTW 13B REG..W +28 170
>Mike_Stevens: IIIIII -IIIIII +0 110
>Noah: ?ADNOTY 3B DA.Y +22 192
#note Note to NASPA: the best play here is not DAYTONs. It is 8A TOYO 29.
>Mike_Stevens: IQ 8A QI +36 146
#note Underscord by a point.
>Noah: ?BEGNOT 12A GOB +14 206
>Mike_Stevens: BPU 7H PUB +13 159
>Noah: ?EHLNTT 10H HENT +18 224
>Mike_Stevens: EEILRX 8J EXILER +46 205
>Noah: ?CILOTV N1 LOCaTIV. +78 302
#note Missed VELOCITy.
>Mike_Stevens: AMT 1L MA.T +27 232
>Noah: CIJOOPT 5D .O.TOPIC +48 350
#note Phony.
>Mike_Stevens: ADDENOR 2E ADORNED +70 302
>Noah: AIIJRST 1C TAJ +24 374
>Mike_Stevens: AEW 1G WAE +31 333
>Noah: FGIIIRS A10 GI. +5 379
>Mike_Stevens: IK 2A KI +18 351
>Noah: EFIILRS 11I REIFS +24 403
>Mike_Stevens: AAHOTUZ 14A ZA +28 379
>Noah: ILU L11 .LU +12 415
>Mike_Stevens: AHOTU A14 .A +33 412
>Noah: I I5 .I. +5 420
>Noah: (HOTU) +14 434
Player 2
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Current time: 2025-01-31 09:50:05 Server IP: