Player 1 |
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 JD JD
>Noah: ABEFPTZ H7 FEZ +30 30
#note Jesse: I was pretty happy to find this play
>Noah: ABEPRTX H1 EXTRA +41 71
>Noah: BCEILPY 8L BLIP +42 113
#note Noah: PYIC is the big play I was looking for.
>Noah: CEGLTVY J8 C.VY +20 133
#note Noah: I found GYVE but not 10L.
>JD: AAEEEGM K11 AGEE +20 63
#note Jesse: I can take 4 extra points for AGEMATE/AGAMETE, but the board will be considerably more closed, and I will already be down 66. it wasn't clear that I would get the opportunity to open the bottom-right anytime later.
>Noah: CEGLQST E5 Q. +22 155
>JD: ?AAEHMU 3B HAMUlA.E +78 141
>Noah: CEGLSTW N7 W.LT +25 180
#note Noah: I thought about AGLOW, because the CG combo is very bad, but it didn't seem worth the sacrifice. I suppose W(E)LTS is better than this because the S doesn't hook anywhere on this board. CWMS is probably best just because of the terribleness of CG.
>JD: DIIILOT 4A LOTI +25 166
#note Jesse: LIDO is definitely better
>Noah: CEGNORS 2A COG +28 208
#note Noah: I missed a BINGO here.
>JD: ADDDIIS 12K .ADID +20 186
>Noah: ENNORSU 1G N.URONES +59 267
>JD: ADEIISW 2K WADI +30 216
>Noah: DEEHLSU 13I HE.LED +39 306
#note Jesse: stop scoring so much noah
>JD: EIKNSTY 7C YES +33 249
#note Jesse: I looked and looked but failed to come up with TEENSY at 14J for 41, which is exactly the kind of play I needed. my odds are very low, but that would've helped a lot.
>Noah: AEEFNSTU 14J F.TES +60 366
#note Jesse: oy!
>JD: IJKNSTU O11 I. +3 252
#note Jesse: the best thing I could come up here was fishing for JUNKETS. after JUNKS at 15F I am effectively toast since I am down 63 and noah can just play at F8 downward and close the last two lanes. actually the only tile that can save noah is the blank - and even if he has it, he has to spot the danger of something like JUNKETS, and I may still get to play it for ~100 on row 12. In retrospect I think I should maybe consider just playing JUNKS and seeing if I can get a bingo down next turn, but this isn't a bad idea.
>Noah: ?ANORRU F8 RANcOUR +63 429
#note Jesse: sigh...guess what tile I draw?
>JD: EJKNSTU - +0 252
#note Jesse: miraculously, I draw the E. I figured that noah, being the boy wonder that he is, might sniff out JUNKETS and burn a blank to block if he has it - but getting all three of my spots for JUNKETS blocked was pretty upsetting. I challenged out of frustration.
>Noah: BIMNNPV 12C VIN. +14 443
>JD: EJKNSTU 15G JUTS +39 291
#note Jesse: TAKEN now is one point better, he can't block JUTS anyway
>Noah: BMNP 5G ..MP +8 451
#note Jesse: his best play
>JD: EKN 13D NE.K +17 308
>JD: (BN) +8 316