Game Details
Player 1
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Doug Doug
>JD: ?EHINOY 8C HYENOId +82 82
>Doug: ADIQ 7H QADI +28 28
>JD: EEIJNOZ 9I ZEE +43 125
#note ZEIN would work here, but keeping the Z and playing JOINED/ENJOY is a neat idea.
>Doug: EKNRU C8 .UNKER +28 56
>JD: GIIJNOP F6 JI. +26 151
#note KOJI is the same idea but scoring a few extra points
>Doug: AENUV 12A AV.NUE +20 76
#note doping seemed to keep the board nicely under wraps. also, for some reason I was convinced it didn't take an S. DOPINGS/PONGIDS is the duo of bingoes.
>Doug: AABRT 8K RABAT +27 103
>Doug: AEFL 10G ALEF +40 143
>JD: DDLRTUX 3J RUDDL. +16 262
#note trying to hit KEX/XU, I could also block the 3x3 with AULD.
>Doug: ISTW 11G WIST +33 176
>JD: AISTTWX A10 AW.ITS +27 289
#note I thought this was a dumb play at the time, but it sims fine. blocking the 3x3 is good. WAST is a smart alternative way of doing this - setting up a backup EX spot.
>Doug: BNRT E10 BR.NT +14 190
>JD: FGOTTUX N7 F.UX +37 326
>Doug: EELRV M10 ELVER +25 215
>JD: CGIIOTT 14K CO.GI +16 342
#note playing it safe
>Doug: ?EGHLMO D1 HEMoLOG. +90 305
#note doug phonied me! this would me very hard for me to challenge
>JD: AIMOSTT E1 ATOM +20 362
#note not an awful choice, anything that leaves outs for next turn should be pretty good.
>Doug: EEINOOR H10 ..NIER +21 326
#note irone at 2H secures an out for him next turn
>JD: ISTY 1D ..STY +33 395
>Doug: EOO D10 EO. +15 341
>JD: I 14E .I +4 399
>JD: (O) +2 401
Player 2
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