Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joey Joey
#player2 Bob Bob
>Joey: DFIORRZ 8F FRIZ +32 32
>Bob: EO 7F OE +11 11
>Joey: CDOORSY I6 CO.Y +23 55
>Bob: GIN I6 ....ING +22 33
>Joey: DEINORS 12G NE.ROIDS +72 127
>Bob: DEMRU M9 MUD.ER +26 59
>Joey: AEIILPX 13C PIXIE +33 160
>Bob: CETU 12B CUTE +29 88
>Joey: AEILNTW A12 ANEW +32 192
#note I should play TAWIE instead. LN isn't great, but neither is ILT and 3 fewer points.
>Bob: EGILNST 15G TINGLES +88 176
>Joey: AEILOTW 11I .OW +24 216
>Bob: HM 11E HM +40 216
>Joey: AAEIKLT 14F TAKA +26 242
>Bob: HO N10 HO. +30 246
>Joey: EIILOTV E2 VIOLET +21 263
#note This seemed boring, but nothing else was great either. Hopefully those blanks are in there somewhere.
>Bob: ABP D4 BAP +28 274
>Joey: AINORSU 6I .URIO +9 272
#note I still have no idea what's right here.
>Bob: F 10I .F +27 301
>Joey: ABELNOS C3 LAB +20 292
>Bob: ADR L8 RAD +16 317
>Joey: ADELNOS G1 OLEAND..S +62 354
#note Here, blankie blankie!
>Bob: ANRY H1 YARN +46 363
>Joey: AEEGITT K5 G.EAT +19 373
#note GAITER K1 gives me a better shot to go out next turn, but I expected to get nailed by a big J play.
>Bob: ??EQSUV B1 QUa +23 386
>Joey: EIJT 9D JET. +17 390
>Bob: ?ESV N3 aVES +18 404
>Bob: (I) +2 406
Player 2
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