Player 1 |
#player1 Lester_ Lester
#player2 Tasha_Asberry Tasha Asberry
>Lester_: AZ 8G ZA +22 22
#note Lester was such a nice guy! Before the start of our game, he was telling me he was feeling a little vengeful because I beat his wife the round before. He said I had a beautiful smile but he hopes to it wipe off my face! :D
>Tasha_Asberry: DOORTTY G6 DO.Y +22 22
>Lester_: ADDENRS I2 DANDERS +73 95
>Tasha_Asberry: DEORTTT F1 TROTTED +70 92
>Lester_: EET 1F .EE +9 104
>Tasha_Asberry: ENNOOQY J3 NOON +17 109
>Lester_: EO K4 OE +15 119
#note Annoying.
>Tasha_Asberry: EGOQUVY 4C QUO.E +28 137
#note I struggled a bit here. I'm screwed regardless of what I play. I just decided to go for the points. He's going to bingo next turn and a high 60/low 70 bingowon't hurt too much if I keep scoring.
>Lester_: ??CEELU E6 LUCErnE +72 191
#note VERY annoying.
>Tasha_Asberry: GIJTTVY 12D J.TTY +38 175
#note Pulling an Andrew here.
>Lester_: AI 5B AI +13 204
#note Oh no, not again.
>Tasha_Asberry: EGIIMRV A1 GIVER +33 208
>Lester_: AEINRSS 11H ARSINES +69 273
>Tasha_Asberry: AEIKMRT L1 MARK +42 250
#note Funny, I wrote down MIRK as the word I played, but EIT as the leave. I haven't the slightest idea why I played MARK instead. I think I just had one of my classic Tasha moments and accidently played the A instead of the I.
>Lester_: HILX M10 H.LIX +30 303
>Tasha_Asberry: EEGHIST 1L .ETH +27 277
#note OMG...I SUCK.
>Lester_: BFU N13 FUB +39 342
>Tasha_Asberry: AEGINPS N4 SPINAGE. +72 349
>Lester_: AW O7 AW +32 374
>Tasha_Asberry: ACGIIOU 8A GUIA. +27 376
#note My deliberate phony is the best play. I was 100% sure GUIAC isn't good (though I'm not quite so sure about the proper spelling. I just know that the correct word is a six, not a five), and I was 75% he wouldn't challenge.
>Lester_: AMW 3E M.W +25 399
>Tasha_Asberry: CIILNOO 2L .NI +12 388
#note I suddenly decide to forego playing well and give a tutorial on how not to play an endgame instead. Ladies and gentlemen, get those pencils ready and take notes.
>Lester_: AFILPRV 9C FI.R. +26 425
>Tasha_Asberry: BCILOO 10H COIL +24 412
#note Too late.
>Lester_: ALPV M6 LAV +22 447
>Tasha_Asberry: BO 13C BO +17 429
>Tasha_Asberry: (P) +6 435
#note This concludes the lesson on proper endgame botching. Thank you and have a great day.