Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Matt Matt
#player2 Brian Brian
>Matt: AIMNORU 8H ONIUM +20 20
#note MAINOUR#. I need to hammer down these high-prob Collins bingoes.
>Brian: AFO 9H OAF +17 17
>Matt: AADELOR 7I ADO +18 38
>Brian: ?AAEESW M8 SEAWArE +78 95
>Matt: ABEILRU L12 BURA +25 63
#note BALU# is 1 more while keeping a better leave.
>Brian: IIII -IIII +0 95
>Matt: DEEIILN N12 DEIL +24 87
#note I dump the L because I hate L's and N's together, probably too much.
>Brian: EHITT O8 TITHE +35 130
>Matt: EEINNOP 15G PENNI. +24 111
#note Nowhere else to score.
>Brian: DIRT 6F DIRT +13 143
>Matt: EELOORZ 14F ZOO +38 149
>Brian: INRT 13G TRIN +15 158
>Matt: AEELMRT 10B LAMETER +66 215
#note I knew LAMITER# cold, and remembered seeing LAMETER#, but again, with only 5-point challenges, I was very tentative to play this. I knew I had to manufacture something though, thankfully I remembered the word correctly.
>Brian: EHINR 5B RHINE +19 177
>Matt: ACGGQWX 11C WAX +53 268
#note Geez...I have to take the points now, right? Even though it sets up a nice hot spot for his next turn and I'm going to have to exchange barring a miracle? This draw ended up losing me the game I think, because I lost tempo so quickly, even with an 80 point lead.
>Brian: AFRY 12A FRAY +50 227
#note Yeah that hurts.
>Matt: CCEGGQS -CGGQ +0 268
#note Quackle actually gave me CEGGGQS, how did it know?
>Brian: EIKPS H1 SPIKE. +51 278
#note And now he has the lead, just like that.
>Matt: CEEGOSU C1 COUG. +22 290
#note Debated between GOUCH# and COUGH, knowing that I'm probably going to draw one or two of the CGG I just through back, with my luck.
>Brian: CNOV 2B C.NVO +24 302
>Matt: EEGJQSU 3G J.G +21 311
#note I think he may have the blank here, so I keep SUQ for next turn and try to block up some of the lanes. Quackle suggests SQUEG at 1H as the best play. JUGS may score 46, but I'm committed to playing QI next turn then, and maybe only for 11.
>Brian: BLO A12 .LOB +27 329
>Matt: ?DEEQSU J3 SUQ +24 335
#note Look at that, the blank actually showed up on my rack. I made a risky play here, attempting to go out next turn with whatever I draw to DEE? while scoring with the Q. It just seemed that bingoing was unlikely, and the pool isn't too bad. I just drew the wrong stuff. I kind of like (O)DE in hindsight since it takes away the Y hot spot, but I have to go out next turn with the Q since I'll be down and he'll have perfect knowledge of my rack.
>Brian: AEILSVY 13A .EYS +45 374
#note Ballgame. Bleh.
>Matt: ?DEEGT 4A TE.G +22 357
#note I should block his outplay, but he didn't see it apparently.
>Brian: AILV G9 L.V +15 389
>Matt: ?DE E7 fED.. +12 369
#note Missing MAINOUR# was killer, and then that post-bingo draw was brutal. A disappointing loss for sure.
>Matt: (AI) +4 373
Player 2
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