Player 1 |
#player1 Matt Matt
#player2 Joel Joel
>Matt: ?AEERRY 8D YEARnER +76 76
#note Only. If we're playing Yes Scrabble I can play RELAYER* as an aggresive ploy.
>Joel: ADIIO 7G AIDOI +20 20
#note Scored as 19.
>Matt: AENOQWZ 6C WANZE +40 116
#note So I'm playing a world and national champion, who definitely knows his JQXZ 5's cold. I don't, but I figured there had to be a good reason why WANZE# was sticking out at me. First played this at 9I, then saw it scored more up top. I was really worried he would challenge after I hit the clock, so I exhaled deeply when he accepted the play.
>Joel: JO 6J JO +53 73
#note In this case playing at 9I would have been beneficial to me.
>Matt: CEOPQSV L3 COVE +28 144
#note Yeah, I'll take the points while ditching the V.
>Joel: DEFIN 9B FIEND +20 93
>Matt: APQSSSU C2 SQUA. +34 178
#note S's are still OK on this board, so I think holding onto 2 here is fine, for 4 less points.
>Joel: DENNRTU 4C .NTURNED +70 163
#note Not the last time he comes roaring back.
>Matt: EEKPSST 9H KEST +31 209
#note Ooh, I created a K hot spot with my last play! Didn't even think of dropping the K for 27, keeping EEPSST. As for this, Joel held the play before releasing. That got me initially worried, but KEST/KETS/SEKT/SKET is a set I know cold from Collins Boggle.
>Joel: IX 8A XI +32 195
>Matt: AEMPRSS I7 ...M +7 216
#note With the last 2 S's in tow, and him not terribly likely to have the blank just yet, I like this play to open up the 2x2 lane.
>Joel: AHI M2 AHI +28 223
>Matt: ?AEPRSS 11E PRAiSES +90 306
#note Hah, of course I would draw the blank. Now I have millions of 90 point bingoes, but which to choose? Looking at the full list here, I like PhRASES, since it makes it really difficult to underlap along row 12 for a bingo, forcing him to open. This doesn't do that great of a job, he can still hit -IER bingoes there, among other things.
>Joel: FOU 10A UFO +33 256
>Matt: AEGIOTU 3C .UAG +21 327
#note Right idea, wrong word. AGOUTI 3E with six overlaps scores 25.
>Joel: GILL N2 GILL +27 283
>Matt: DEILLOT O1 LOD +26 353
#note With the Y still out, I can't leave that spot open for him to score 50+ and get back in the game. LOT is probably slightly better, since that's the last D while there are still 3 T's unseen.
>Joel: EOP 3H OPE +20 303
#note After the gam, he admitted to me that this was a diversion, as he was still attempting to draw a bingo along row 12. Something like YOW there could keep im within striking distance. Scored as 21, so we're back to the right score for Joel.
>Matt: AEILOTT 2H TOLA +20 373
#note I wrote AILETTO* down on my scoresheet, but I was crossing it with AILANTO#. I have to play here though, because playing down column O or along row 12 just gives hime easier bingo lanes to hit.
>Joel: ABCEENR 12A CARBEEN +86 389
#note !!! He's pulled ahead after I drew all the S's and blanks, plus the Q and Z. I had recently learned this and its pair, CARBENE#. The latter is another name for an alkene, but what he played is Irish soil. I held, mostly to give myself a breather and start planning the endgame, but I knew it was good and there was a chance I was going to need those 5 points.
>Matt: EIIMOTY A12 .ITY +27 400
#note This rack may look like trash, but it's one of the best racks I could hope to have right now. Just look at that unseen pool. A single I to 9 consonants. I can safely empty the bag. I think it's paramount that I take this spot, because CHIV# for 33 would hurt big time. CYME scores 6 more, but this leave is more flexible for the endgame, with that V and W still out.
>Joel: BGHINTV 13F VIG +18 407
#note He's sunk as long as I don't goof it up.
>Matt: EIMORTW O5 OMIT +20 420
#note I should block NTH, but that would require me to remember about ST#. Have you sensed a them in my games yet? This still assured me an out in several places, of which I would take the worst.
>Joel: BHNT 12J NTH +16 423
>Matt: ERW 8L WER. +11 431
#note I completely bagged Joel and I still only managed a 14 point win. I didn't make a lot of grievous errors either (OK, I should have taken the time to find PhRASES), Joel just played an incredible game on his end. I'll take the win, but he played magnificently all the same.
>Matt: (B) +6 437