Player 1 |
#player1 Rafi Rafi
#player2 Robin Robin
>Rafi: AAFGGIO 8F AGOG +12 12
>Robin: KO F6 KO. +17 17
>Rafi: AAFIPRU G3 PFUI +18 30
>Robin: AILNNRU 3G .INNULAR +72 89
>Rafi: AAAABOR N2 A.ROBA +28 58
>Robin: EEMN O5 NEEM +26 115
>Rafi: AAHILNU M7 HAUL +22 80
#note Didn't think of HU(L)A which is a good alternative.
>Robin: JOT L1 JO.T +38 153
>Rafi: AIINQRV O1 QI +35 115
>Robin: AANV H1 AV.AN +35 188
>Rafi: ADINRUV 10M .UV +8 123
#note I was pretty unsure what to do here. Considered INVAR, but DU is ugly and the lane is easy to shut down (and score) with an S or an E. ULVA (which I didn't think of) looks promising, scoring 15 and opening up a decent lane. I picked LUV because it makes HAULS very difficult to block without an S, and could allow me to open the board with VARIED next turn, or get lucky and draw a bingo.
>Robin: RWY 5J WRY +33 221
>Rafi: ADHIINR I6 NI.H +13 136
#note Another tough decision. NIGH leaves the possibility for VARIED if I don't draw a bingo, but is much easier to block (with a T) than I would like it to be. None of the options here look too promising.
>Robin: EX J9 EX +30 251
>Rafi: ADDIORY K9 YID +32 168
#note YID is hard to deal with if Robin doesn't have an S, but that seems like a very unlikely scenario with 4 unseen. HAULYARD is another good option but I didn't see it.
>Robin: CERST 12H CREST +28 279
>Rafi: ADELORR H10 RE.LAD +27 195
#note With a forked board, I might have a small chance at a comeback. Maybe RECORD instead, because there are more O's unseen (although Quackle prefers RECLAD). This was my first E I drew all game!
>Robin: BDEL 14F BL.DE +16 295
>Rafi: CIORTTW O10 .ICTOR +42 237
>Robin: ?DEEOST 1A EnDOSTE. +77 372
>Rafi: ?EMNSTW 14N W. +10 247
#note If Robin has 6 vowels and decides to exchange, there's a nonzero chance I could get two bingoes down and win. Barely nonzero...
>Robin: EEF 2A FEE +22 394
>Rafi: ?EIMNST C1 ..MENTIaS +76 323
#note At least I salvaged a few style points.
>Robin: AEIIOPS B8 POI +12 406
>Rafi: GOTZ 8L Z. +21 344
>Robin: AEIS A6 AIS +21 427
#note AI(D)ES
>Rafi: GOT 15J TOG +8 352
>Rafi: (E) +2 354