Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Matt_Canik Matt Canik
#player2 Steve_Glass Steve Glass
>Matt_Canik: DILLLNU 8G DULL +10 10
>Steve_Glass: IQ 7F QI +16 16
>Matt_Canik: CIKLNNR 6G LINK +22 32
>Steve_Glass: BCEISW K3 WEBS +27 43
#note He put down BICES K2 before realizing the dangerous I hook.
>Matt_Canik: CEENNPR L1 PEEN +27 59
>Steve_Glass: CGO J2 COG +22 65
>Matt_Canik: ?ACNNRT 1L .ANT +18 77
#note My word knowledge really held me back this tourney. I even balked on R(OWE)N being good, despite having played the word several times in the past. Bleh.
>Steve_Glass: DEOOORZ J8 .EZ +32 97
>Matt_Canik: ?BCENOR 9A BiCORNE +70 147

I saw BICORNE, initially didn't have a spot for it, then thought "wait, wasn't LIDE added with OSPD4?"

It wasn't.
>Steve_Glass: AORT A8 A.ORT +24 121
>Matt_Canik: ADFLORU K9 FAULD +34 181
>Steve_Glass: DEV M3 DEV +35 156
>Matt_Canik: AIMNORX B8 M.X +56 237
#note This is extra nice because it holds ABORTION for next turn.
>Steve_Glass: GIIORST C9 .OIRS +24 180
#note He said this was the rack after the game, when I asked why he played COIRS (He spent a good 7-8 minutes on this turn alone). He told me this was the rack, and he got caught up on DIG. Several experts looked at the position after the game and we decided DIG was a much better option. I guess we all overlooked CORGI.
>Matt_Canik: AAAINOR J12 AA +7 244
#note This makes it a lot harder to bingo, and puts me in a position to potentially shut down the board entirely within two turns (I also need to block SLIDE/GLIDE)
>Steve_Glass: GIN A8 .....ING +33 213
>Matt_Canik: AFINORS I11 OAF +24 268
#note When I played this, I was pretty sure OAF didn't take an S, that it was OAVES. Well, it does, so this play looks a lot less smart, and gives up big -SH bingos sometimes.
>Steve_Glass: AM I3 MA +27 240
>Matt_Canik: DINRSUV 5C VIRUS +22 290
#note Well, that takes care of that spot.
>Steve_Glass: EOOP C2 POO.E +20 260
>Matt_Canik: ?DEJNTY D4 Y.D +27 317
#note I'm not exactly sure what caused me to pick this. He was down to under two minutes at this point and I was trying to time rush him, so I was playing fast too, but I don't know why I passed over J(E)T or J(E)TE, which both sim better.
>Steve_Glass: GHOT B1 GOTH +35 295
>Matt_Canik: ?EEJNTU 11E JUNT. +24 341
#note Now I'm trying to outrun him and block off that R that he could potentially bingo through. This also makes it look like I still don't have the blank.
>Steve_Glass: HIT L7 HIT +13 308
>Matt_Canik: ?AAEEIR 6M AE +12 353
#note I see exactly one bingo in this pool that plays- SWEETER. That's a slim-to-none-chance, and there's a fair chance I can hit RETIARII through the R if he does play it. So I'm not really worried about it.
>Steve_Glass: Y D8 Y. +9 317
>Matt_Canik: ?AEEEIR A4 AE +14 367
>Steve_Glass: EIIRSTW B6 RE... +21 338
>Matt_Canik: ?EEIR 15A .RIEvE +7 374
#note sIREE. I couldn't remember if it was SERIE* or SIREE, so I elected to play this instead.

This is the first game in a stretch of games where I go up by about 50 early and just cling onto my lead desperately, or get harshly bagged. Thankfully, day 2 would bring about some better games.
>Matt_Canik: (IISTW) +16 390
Player 2
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