Player 1 |
#player1 Matthew_Hodge Matthew Hodge
#player2 Matt_Canik Matt Canik
>Matthew_Hodge: NOPTU 8D PUNTO +20 20
>Matt_Canik: ?ILNOTX E7 L.XaTION +78 78
#note I still want NITROXYL added to TWL.
>Matthew_Hodge: AAEGSSU 15B SAUSAGE +92 112
>Matt_Canik: DEIIILN F8 .IDI +26 104
>Matthew_Hodge: DDELNO 13C NO.DLED +24 136
>Matt_Canik: AEILNNR 12C AN. +12 116
#note Yeah, I can fish the N, but this opens up a *third* bingo line holding EILNR, and scores 12. With the 12H spot open, I figure he'll probably score well next turn, so I need to try to score a decent amount while I fish instead of scoring 3.
I also could have just found the 9 here...
>Matthew_Hodge: JOT 7H JOT +20 156
#note The 9 was (aD)RENALIN
>Matt_Canik: ABEILNR 12H BINAL +30 146
#note This was a really tough turn for me. BI 12H, JOB, or BINAL were the three options that stood out. Typically, I think I would fish here. Again, with the opening of the JOT -> JOTA spot I think it's safe to assume he'll score well, so a 17-point fish doesn't seem like enough to warrant passing on 30 points. Simulation likes JOB by about 6 points, though.
>Matthew_Hodge: NRU 11I RUN +16 172
>Matt_Canik: EEFHRVY 9H EVERY +25 171
#note HEF(T)Y scores 22 and holds ERV. It looks nice. The sim wants me to play EVERY 6J, which also scores 25. I don't really think it's wise to open bingo lines when drawing into FH, but there must be something about it.
>Matthew_Hodge: BCO B10 COB +19 191
>Matt_Canik: ACFHIIT L4 FITCH. +42 213
#note The duck sims CITIFY and FITCHY neck-and-neck here, fitchy seems to be marginally (0.3 points) better.
>Matthew_Hodge: QVZ 5K Q. +22 213
#note He showed me his rack here, he said it was very clunky and he was "almost certainly" going to exchange until I gave him the QI spot. I think he said he had a V and a Z.
>Matt_Canik: AEIMRSY 13K YAM +24 237
>Matthew_Hodge: ITVZ 14A ZIT +32 245
#note He drew the I, lol.
>Matt_Canik: AEIRSUW 6I WAI. +29 266
>Matthew_Hodge: ?EIIPRV N7 PRIVIEs +77 322
#note Uhoh... I don't have a T.
>Matt_Canik: EEORSUW O6 WEE +28 294
>Matthew_Hodge: AMT 14L MAT +43 365
#note gg
>Matt_Canik: EHORRSU 4L .OUR +8 302
#note So I don't have a bingo line except for 5C ending with a T, but all the Ts are gone. I look and look for a way to open this board without givng him a really easy block, and I just can't find anything. So I play this, hoping MAYBE he plays down to the R, and if he doesn't then I will next turn, just to give me a prayer. I should probably have just blindly tried to open this turn instead.
>Matthew_Hodge: EGK 15K KEG +22 387
>Matt_Canik: EEHORRS D6 RE. +7 309
#note This is just desperate.
>Matthew_Hodge: ADF C5 FAD +17 404
>Matt_Canik: EGHOORS B4 HOG +24 333
>Matthew_Hodge: AEELS A1 ALEE +21 425
>Matt_Canik: EORS 2A .OSER +10 343
#note Missing adrenalin hurt a lot, because I never ended up bingoing after holding AEILNNR. BINAL could have/should have been played differently, and maybe I should have opened more at the end, but overall I'm mostly happy with the way I played this game, aside from not realizing PUNTO->TRAPUNTO (I never drew it so I didn't miss it, but still, I need to look for those extensions)
>Matt_Canik: (S) +2 345