Game Details
Player 1
#player1 scott scott
#player2 opponent opponent
>scott: ?AADDIN 8G cANDIDA +70 70
>opponent: IY G7 I.Y +10 10
>scott: EGHKNTT K6 KN.GHT +28 98
>opponent: IOP L4 POI +16 26
>scott: EGJLNST M7 J.NGLES +48 146
>opponent: AEIOSST I4 ASTO.IES +60 86
>scott: ?ADFNQT 4H Q.T +22 168
#note totally didn't notice QAT 34 though these plays end up pretty similar since the alternative allows a big playback from H1.
>opponent: BEORSX H10 BOXERS +75 161
>scott: ?ADFNOO L12 FOOD +32 200
>opponent: AIVV F4 VIVA +20 181
>scott: ?ADENOW 13B WEApON.D +78 278
>opponent: EU 7M .EU +10 191
>scott: ALLLMRZ O6 M.LL +18 296
>opponent: CEINU H1 CIN.UE +55 246
>scott: AHILMRZ 12A HARM +41 337
>opponent: BEE 14A BEE +25 271
>scott: EFILOUZ 15L .OZE +42 379
>opponent: ACEORTU A5 OUTREAC. +89 360
>scott: EFIILUY 14E IF +27 406
#note didnt notice YE in the bottom right, but this ends up better anyway. I can always use it on the next turn.
>opponent: IPRTW B2 TWIRP +44 404
>scott: EEILRUY 15A EELY +56 462
>opponent: AAGNRT 2D GRAN.TA +12 416
>opponent: (IRU) +6 422
Player 2
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