Game Details
Player 1
#player1 opponent opponent
#player2 scott scott
>opponent: A -A +0 0
>scott: AEFILOY 8D FOLEY +30 30
>opponent: AEINNRT E4 REAN.INT +82 82
>scott: AEGIMOS 7G AMIGO +20 50
#note for some reason I thought IMAGO could only be pluralized with an -S.
>opponent: ?EEEOSX 4C XE.OSErE +80 162
#note REEXPOSE 94
>scott: ?DELNRS L7 SLaNDER +75 125
>opponent: EK C2 KE. +28 190
>scott: CIILNRU H1 LIC. +18 143
>opponent: EGVY 11H GYVE. +26 216
>scott: EGINRSU 14I REUSING +78 221
>opponent: HO 13L .HO +24 240
>scott: JNNSTUW 6D J.W +21 242
#note wasn't 100% on XEROSERES
>opponent: AEIMRTT 15D MATTIER +90 330
>opponent: AEIMRTT -- -90 240
#note lol
>scott: NNSTTTU -NTTU +0 242
#note can't play LUNT now, but NUTANT would be ok
>opponent: AEIMRTT 8L .IMA +18 258
>scott: DINPSTZ 2G D.TZ +34 276
#note totally missed the front hook on SLANDERS.
>opponent: EHTT 15H TETH +30 288
>scott: AINPQSU 12A QUIPS +61 337
>opponent: NOO 15M NOO +27 315
>scott: ABDENTV B10 VA.NT +32 369
>opponent: AIU A12 .UAI +43 358
>scott: ABDEFOR 5J FORBAD +29 398
#note looks best by far according to quackle
>opponent: AEW 6M AWE +34 392
>scott: ACEILOP L1 PACE. +24 422
#note wins 100%. Wanted to play something that didn't let him dump the B to the triple, and leaving OIL gives me a good chance of an outplay on the next turn.
>opponent: ABDIRTU 13G DRIB +19 411
>scott: ILOR D1 RIL. +13 435
>opponent: ATU 9A TAU +13 424
>opponent: (O) +2 426
Player 2
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