Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Christian_O.B Christian O.B
#player2 Albert_Martono Albert Martono
>Christian_O.B: AHPU 8G PUHA +18 18
>Albert_Martono: EQTU J6 QU.TE +36 36
>Christian_O.B: EFFINOR 5J EFF +33 51
>Albert_Martono: IO 4K IO +19 55
>Christian_O.B: ?CINORX 10F aNOR.XIC +66 117
>Christian_O.B: ELMOR (challenge) +5 122
#note 7B PRINCOX 81 and COTURNIX H5 for 74 better
>Albert_Martono: AII K9 I.IA +24 79
>Christian_O.B: ELMOR 3K ROM +22 144
#note 3E REMORID for 71
>Albert_Martono: EGN 2L GEN +20 99
>Christian_O.B: DEERV O1 DERV +41 185
>Albert_Martono: EENOSTU 11B OUTSEEN +69 168
#note E8 OUTSEEN for 81, clear sign Albert didn't know TANOREXIC
>Christian_O.B: EGKLOPT C9 KL.GE +30 215
#note Got T (what I wanted) but albert had make it harder to play there....
>Albert_Martono: ADE M10 .ADE +14 182
#note I know this may be set-up for bingo but can't block effectively
>Christian_O.B: AIOOPTT E8 TAT.OI +23 238
#note Decided to play this hope he will challenge.. not happened
>Albert_Martono: ?ADENTT 14I TAuNTED +76 258
>Christian_O.B: AELOOPS 15G POO +17 255
#note 15K PASEO for 50... This was when Incident happened. I heard he said it's U, also write TAUNTED in my scoresheet, but when I looking for my play, I read it TAINTED, so I think I made POLO/TO/AL/IO. He ask me did I heard U or not? I shocked and freezed in a moment, then when I want to pass (since I have presses a clock) he let me to play other word, and I said apologize to him.....
>Albert_Martono: CMY B13 MYC +24 282
>Christian_O.B: AELNRSZ D2 RANZELS +87 342
>Albert_Martono: AAB E3 BAA +38 320
>Christian_O.B: HIIJY 15N HI +29 371
#note Missed another good play 3A HIJAB....
>Albert_Martono: AVW C1 VAW +36 356
>Christian_O.B: IJLORY 15A I.Y +24 395
>Albert_Martono: EEIRS 12K .I.E +10 366
>Christian_O.B: BJLLORS O8 JOLLS +46 441
>Christian_O.B: BDRU (challenge) +5 446
#note Albert did clever set-up here, unfortunately I have an S, even not AIDE can be hooked R or D too. N6 JOLLS score 4 points more. TANOREXIC can be hooked S, no one of us know it
>Albert_Martono: EGINRSW 1A RE. +18 384
>Christian_O.B: BDRU I3 BUR +18 464
#note REFF* not good
>Albert_Martono: GINSW B3 SWING +20 404
#note Didn't see he can finish in there too.....
>Albert_Martono: (D) +4 408
Player 2
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