Player 1 |
#player1 Rahn_McKeown Rahn McKeown
#player2 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
>Rahn_McKeown: ?EHIPRR 8C cHIRPER +80 80
#note Only. Nice.
>Ryan_Fischer: AAAFGMS E5 MAF.A +20 20
>Rahn_McKeown: VWY 6D W.VY +21 101
>Ryan_Fischer: ABBEGNS 5G BEGAN +23 43
#note Aw, he blocked BE(A)NBAGS.
>Rahn_McKeown: EWY 6J YEW +32 133
>Ryan_Fischer: BDEESSZ 10B ZEDS +45 88
>Rahn_McKeown: IQTU H1 QUIT. +45 178
>Ryan_Fischer: BEIORRS D3 BRO. +22 110
>Rahn_McKeown: AJM 4J JAM +40 218
>Ryan_Fischer: ?AEIORS J8 ScORIAE +72 182
>Rahn_McKeown: GINNO B10 .ONING +32 250
>Ryan_Fischer: DDEOPSU 3K PUD +22 204
#note Or C10 (E)PODE 30.
>Rahn_McKeown: LTUV 13I V.ULT +24 274
>Ryan_Fischer: DEELOOS N7 DOOLEES +69 273
>Rahn_McKeown: AEIIRR O3 AIRIER +30 304
#note Rahn said if I thought really hard I could figure out what his 7th tile had to be. I'm not good at those kind of deductions, though. Could've been a number of things, if you ask me.
>Ryan_Fischer: EGINOTX C10 .XON +37 310
#note 2L GOX 31. I was debating between ILEX and EXON and didn't even see this superior play.
>Rahn_McKeown: CFI L12 F.IC +24 328
>Ryan_Fischer: DEEGHIT 15L .HID +30 340
#note ECHED is good -- I wasn't sure. Champ's choice, too, but still leaving that P and G open. Nowt much I can do, though. I need the points, but in hindsight EGGED or IGGED are so much better. CHID is way off.
>Rahn_McKeown: AELLNST 15B .ELLANTS +80 408
>Ryan_Fischer: ACEEGKT - +0 340
#note Figured I had to challenge. Thought it was only one L. Oh well. Was playing catch-up the whole game, couldn't quite do it. Perhaps if I play IGGED I pull it out.
>Rahn_McKeown: EINOOTU D10 .O +13 421
#note He says he was fishing for EQUATION or QUOTIENT. I saw that there was a U out, and this may be possible, but I was a bit demoralized to stop it. That is now 4 power tile bingos, three through a tile on the board. Crazy tournament.
>Ryan_Fischer: ACEEGKT 14E EKE +37 377
#note GET at 2L is the obviously play to stop it. I was a bit greedy too early.
>Rahn_McKeown: AEINOTU 1G E.UATION +68 489
>Rahn_McKeown: (ACGTT) +16 505