Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Zar_Pequeño Zar Pequeño
#player2 JD JD
>Zar_Pequeño: AGLRSUV 8D VULGARS +80 80
#note this game co-annotated by me and cesar hanging out in my living room. Cesar coffeehoused the shit out of me here. first he said that he couldn't choose between the long play and the short play. Then after two minutes he starts giggling and puts down VULGARS. I just assumed he was being goofy, but it came back good! Cesar, you're ridiculous.
>JD: ?DLNRTT - +0 0
#note glurp
>Zar_Pequeño: AAANTTV E5 AVA.NT +18 98
#note AVAST is a little better here. It takes out my best lanes to bingo through and keeps a better leave.
#note I like exchanging better than a 5-point play that blocked my lanes.
>Zar_Pequeño: ?ABIMOT D3 MOB +18 116
#note zar sez he prefers BLOAT. there is no bingo!
>JD: ?AORRST C1 oRATORS +79 79
#note after he spent like 8 minutes on MOB it seemed like the only way he would have a great play at this spot is if he missed his fish.
>Zar_Pequeño: ?AIIIRT -II +0 116
#note cesar missed retiarii.
>JD: KLNRTWX 1A KN.W +42 121
>Zar_Pequeño: ?AGIRTT H8 .GITAToR +77 193
#note attagirl!
>JD: IJLPRTX 10B JIL. +27 148
>Zar_Pequeño: ACDIIMO 13E DIA.OMIC +65 258
#note also dioramic
>JD: DPRRSTX F12 P.X +28 176
#note No Es have been played yet!!! DROP at 14F sims way betters since it sets up big plays for my S on row 15. They probably won't win me the game, but it's probably still a lot better.
>Zar_Pequeño: GHLOOWZ K11 WH.Z +38 296
#note find the correct play here, asks cesar.
>JD: DIRRSST C9 D.RTS +16 192
#note the correct play is apparently WHOOPLA! There are so many Es left that keeping all consonants with DRIP seems to sim best.
>Zar_Pequeño: GHLNOOO 12A GO.H +20 316
#note zar couldn't decide what to do here. honestly it doesn't matter that much. I (JD) think that maybe playing GOSH is right since it kills my lanes for good.
>JD: DEEILRS 11K .ELD +8 200
#note it seemed like I needed to create a good lane here. I liked this play ok. quackle suggests LAM at 3B which is cool, leaving me with DIERESES if he blocks SEEDIER.
>Zar_Pequeño: DELNNOO N5 NOODLE. +13 329
#note NOODLED isn't bad but NEON looks a little safer...I am not very likely to 3x3 (although I could have CENSURED)
>JD: CEEIIRS 8L CE.I +30 230
>Zar_Pequeño: AAAEENQ A11 A.ENE +18 347
#note might as well take the points
#note one off of keiretsu! I played at J3 to save KNOWABLE, but then realized that he had played the last L with NOODLED.
>Zar_Pequeño: AAEEPQU O1 AQUAE +47 394
>JD: EEFN M7 B.E +19 311
#note I wanted to try to fish for something from the K, but it looks like the best thing I can fish for here is BENEFICE. maybe fishing an O for DO/OX will work if cesar goes insane.
>Zar_Pequeño: EIIOPUY 4H PI.EY +26 420
#note quackle likes OURIE for reasons that are not entirely clear. doesn't matter, he wins.
>JD: EEFINOT 5H EN.F +30 341
#note FROE at 15G blocks PIXY and leaves an out of INEPT for next turn. However, I believe this play is as good as FROE even though it doesn't show up on championship player.
>Zar_Pequeño: FIOUY 15D FOY +29 449
>JD: EIOT B1 .OT +15 356
#note at this point I told cesar I would give him twenty dollars if he could get me over on time. I had 4 seconds and I finished with 3.
>Zar_Pequeño: IU 12J U. +9 458
>JD: EI 6E .IE +8 364
>JD: (I) +2 366
#note blah.
Player 2
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