Player 1 |
#player1 Chris_Tallman Chris Tallman
#player2 Noah Noah
>Chris_Tallman: AFF 8H AFF +18 18
>Noah: ?EIIILY -IIIY +0 0
#note I didn't think of AFFInELY, but this seems fine.
>Chris_Tallman: AANN 9H NAAN +18 36
>Noah: ?EGLRSS 10G LaRGESS +82 82
>Chris_Tallman: GOO 11K GOO +20 56
>Noah: CEEGIUY G6 GUY +21 103
>Chris_Tallman: ORY 6G .ORY +16 72
>Noah: CEEIIIN -EIII +0 103
#note I bit of an interesting play. I thought about exchanging EII or EIII, or NIECE. I didn't really like keeping two Is and giving a strong place to play on a closed board, so no NIECE for me. I didn't see a good reason to keep the I, CEN just seemed better here. I'm not a fan of ICIER because of all the Ds out, which leaves ICE. But EIIN is just pretty bad here, especially after he probably takes the scoring spot on line 8/column o.
>Chris_Tallman: EEPV N8 VEEP +28 100
>Noah: CDENORU 8L CO.E +36 139
>Chris_Tallman: BELW 5J BLEW +25 125
>Noah: DEENORU 4L DOUR +23 162
#note Thought about ROUE, but the reparallels were too harsh.
>Chris_Tallman: BENOR 3K BORNE +34 159
>Noah: AEEINNU 11C ENNUI +12 174
>Chris_Tallman: AJR 2J JAR +35 194
>Noah: AEEPRTU O1 AP..TUR. +30 204
#note Didn't think of TAUPE. My reasoning behind this play is actually quite bad. I was thinking I should keep EE because there aren't many Es left, and they could be precious later on. This just isn't the strongest reasoning. Es aren't the best tile ever, and there's no reason to keep a mediocre leave when there are still three left! It's okay to just play something like TAUPE or PAREU and keep one E, Noah.
>Chris_Tallman: AI I2 AI +14 208
>Noah: EEEIKLX D7 KLEE.EX +38 242
#note I thought here like I did with aperture, but luckily didn't find KEX, which I probably would've played. KEX is not a great play!
>Chris_Tallman: ILZ 8A ZIL. +39 247
>Noah: ?DDHIIV 12A VID. +15 257
>Chris_Tallman: ADQ B6 QA.D +34 281
>Noah: ?AADHII E5 AHI +18 275
#note I wasn't really sure what to do here. Any ideas?
>Chris_Tallman: CEIT A11 E.ICT +30 311
>Noah: ?ADEIIS 13D .I +9 284
#note I thought this was a straightforward play, but did I miss something better?
>Chris_Tallman: IMNOSTT F11 .TS +13 324
#note This is Chris's actual rack. In the pre-endgame, I found TOMTIT, which seems like a good idea. It turns out it would've tied with my draw!
>Noah: ?ADEISW 15A .AWDrIES +89 373
>Chris_Tallman: IMMNOOT 12L MM +27 351
#note This is a funny play.
>Noah: HTT 5C TH.T +7 380
>Noah: (OONIT) +10 390