Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Nigel_Peltier Nigel Peltier
#player2 Eric_Tran Eric Tran
>Nigel_Peltier: DGNSTUZ 8G DUNG +12 12
>Eric_Tran: DEEIIMO J6 DO.IE +13 13
>Nigel_Peltier: QRSTTWZ -QTWZ +0 12
>Eric_Tran: ?BEIMNU K1 BItUMEN +75 88
#note (U)NIMBUEd woulda been extra credit
>Nigel_Peltier: ACNRSTU 2F CURTA.NS +68 80
>Eric_Tran: AEGILQX 4J Q.AG +28 116
>Nigel_Peltier: AALNORY F2 .OALY +18 98
>Eric_Tran: EHIILRX K10 HELIX +35 151
>Nigel_Peltier: AEENRSU 1K .EAUS +29 127
#note something about this position makes me a bit uneasy... and queasy too.
>Eric_Tran: CEIIRTT H1 C.IT +21 172
#note E hoarder!!
>Nigel_Peltier: BEEGNRT 13I BE.NG +22 149
>Eric_Tran: EEFIRTT L6 FET +17 189
>Nigel_Peltier: ADEMRTV H7 V.M +8 157
#note TAM E4 seems a bit better...
>Eric_Tran: EIIORTW G8 .OWIE +15 204
#note Eric: Just TWIT is fine. (hinders bingo responses a little bit)
>Nigel_Peltier: ADENRRT O1 .TRANDER +80 237
>Eric_Tran: AAHIORT E4 HAO +26 230
>Nigel_Peltier: EFNOOSW N7 WOOF +25 262
>Eric_Tran: ?AEIRRT D6 TARdIER +70 300
>Nigel_Peltier: EIJKNOS M9 JO +39 301
>Eric_Tran: AADILVY D1 DIVA +32 332
>Nigel_Peltier: EIIKNPS 1A KIN. +27 328
#note PIKI 2A?
>Eric_Tran: AELPSTY F9 PALY +32 364
#note This looks better than pretty much all fishing plays, and most everything else, however Quackle brings up another interesting option that I wouldn't have seen, TEPALS O10. Similar idea to PALY, but quite different leaves...
>Nigel_Peltier: EEILPRS C7 PEEL +23 351
#note best, and with Eric being low on time, gives him an opportunity to blow it.
>Eric_Tran: EOSTZ 9B Z.. +11 375
#note I didn't even realize I was blocking Z(E)O(LI)TE!!!! But I did block ZA too, leaving Eric with no foreseen spot for his Z other than two that I unfortunately just created for him. But with only seconds left on Eric's clock, this was a very exciting finish. He found the win.
>Nigel_Peltier: IRS N13 SIR +15 366
>Nigel_Peltier: (EOST) +8 374
Player 2
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