Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Kevin_Leeds Kevin Leeds
#player2 Noel_Livermore Noel Livermore
>Kevin_Leeds: AHIIRVY 8H IVY +18 18
>Noel_Livermore: ACILOT G5 COITAL +20 20
>Kevin_Leeds: ?AAHINR 5D ARA.HNId +98 116
>Noel_Livermore: ?AEEGIO 10E Eu.OGIAE +60 80
>Kevin_Leeds: AEEEEOT -EEEO +0 116
>Noel_Livermore: HR F4 R.H +27 107
>Kevin_Leeds: AEEILTT 4I ELITE +15 131
#note must have been a little tired of thinking. Took some time to try to find a good move - there are several better ones - Quackle thinks TEET(H) for 27 is just fine.

>Noel_Livermore: DEL 3G LED +13 120
>Kevin_Leeds: DGNNRST K9 D.NG +12 143
>Noel_Livermore: EIOTUV H10 .UTVIE +30 150
#note On my scoresheet it says OUTVI(E) so I probably my tracking will be wrong
>Kevin_Leeds: ANPRSST 15D PAST.RNS +63 206
>Noel_Livermore: GNTW D3 TW.NG +18 168
>Kevin_Leeds: ADEERXZ 11C RAX +38 244
#note The Z is a difficult tile to use just right. I'm sure I'm not that good at it. I try to look for IZE or big ZA plays etc and if that doesn't work then I'm not sure. I hesitate to put it onto a double word score row, or set it up for a hook.
>Noel_Livermore: OY 8D YO +26 194
>Kevin_Leeds: ADEEORZ H1 ZE. +36 280
>Noel_Livermore: FU 6B FU. +14 208
>Kevin_Leeds: ADEJR C9 JA.RED +44 324
#note Apologies for drawing the XZJ in three turns like that.
>Noel_Livermore: MU 12K .UM +12 220
>Kevin_Leeds: ABDENSU N8 UNBASED +89 413
#note Anagram SUBDEAN. Not sure where I learned it - to remove something from its base. Great timing on my part.
>Noel_Livermore: CEIOOST O2 COOTIES +86 306
>Kevin_Leeds: AEFIORW O13 FEW +35 448
>Noel_Livermore: K 10B K. +16 322
>Kevin_Leeds: AIINOQR C2 QI +26 474
>Noel_Livermore: BELMOOP 12A PE.M +30 352
>Kevin_Leeds: AINOR A12 .AIN +18 492
>Noel_Livermore: BO 3M BO. +18 370
>Kevin_Leeds: OR 9K .OR. +8 500
>Kevin_Leeds: OR -- -8 492
>Noel_Livermore: LO 14E LO +10 380
>Noel_Livermore: (OR) +4 384
#note Went over on the clock, lost ten points so we have 381-482.

Player 2
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