Game Details
Player 1
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Le_Bingo Le Bingo
#note is it really a point better if I play at 8F rather than 8G?
>Le_Bingo: DEFNPST G7 F.P +15 15
#note it didn't feel like exchanging was right but I couldn't find a reasonable option after nigel's play. I guess ARB at 9I makes sense since it still keeps things so tight and the leave isn't that much worse.
>Le_Bingo: DEENRST J2 TENDERS +72 87
>JD: AAEGHNR I2 AH +20 38
#note augh. gross. I chickened out of HANGARED. I had to lose by something like 200 in order to drop out of 3rd, and playing phonies seemed like the only way that was going to happen. EPHA at 9F is also a better play than this.
>Le_Bingo: BCEIQST 2H Q.. +12 99
>JD: AAEGNNR I8 .ANG +9 47
#note if this is what I'm going to do I might as well just play FAN. AEGNR is a pretty strong combo, especially compared to AENR. I bingo 54% after FAN instead of 40% after FANG.
>Le_Bingo: BCEIOST 5E CEBOI.S +48 147
#note nice play dude!
>JD: ?AEENRV 11E AVEN.ERs +94 141
#note lucky me
>Le_Bingo: EGIOTTV 12A VOGIE +28 175
#note I saw TOLUOLES, but wasn't 100% on it (maybe 95%). either way the board will be wide open, but I probably don't want to be giving up two triple-triples
>Le_Bingo: ALMTTUZ 15H MUTT. +21 196
>JD: ?AEIORS 14B ScORIAE +70 279
#note now that's just stupidly lucky right there.
>Le_Bingo: ABGILXZ F4 L.Z +32 228
>Le_Bingo: ABGIORX 4L B.OG +18 246
>JD: ACDLTUW 10B CLAW +21 330
#note I could blow some points and block the G right away, but in the long run I thought the V and the G looked more worrisome.
>Le_Bingo: AAIKORX 13F OKRA +32 278
>JD: ADHMRTU O4 .ARTH +27 357
#note I have better plays here but as long as I cover this spot I'm fine.
>Le_Bingo: AIIIOXY 15A XI +29 307
#note it was some time around now when it was announced that Nigel Richards had pulled off the improbable comeback win - which means that I couldn't finish in second place. oh well.
>JD: DDIIMUW H4 D.W +9 366
#note my rack is now pretty much guaranteed to be terrible down the stretch. that said, as long as I keep things tight I will almost certainly win. I figured I would set up MIB for next turn. quackle prefers MIR at K9 to block ANY, which is probably the right move. Note that quackle's win percentages are way off - if he only bingoes 1% of the time next turn how could he possibly end up winning?
>Le_Bingo: AEIINOY 15D YE +20 327
>JD: ADIIMTU C10 .U. +4 370
#note even though my lead is not big, there are literally no bingoes that he could have in the pool right now that fit on the board. I could just empty the bag to prevent him from creating a lane (I expect him to play TI at 10L) but really the game is over. I figured I would block the scariest looking lane anyway.
>Le_Bingo: ADIINOR 12L .R +2 329
#note el bingo is fishing for the T for DIATONIC, which I already have.
>JD: ADIIMTY N12 ADIT +13 383
#note I rechecked my tracking several times but to be realllllly safe I blocked anyway.
>Le_Bingo: ADEIINO O13 ODA +24 353
>JD: IMY G3 MI. +14 397
>Le_Bingo: EIIN D7 INI. +5 358
>JD: Y I1 Y.. +9 406
>JD: (E) +2 408
#note I went over by a minute. final score 398-358. I finish 3rd place,
Player 2
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