Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Nawapadol Nawapadol
#player2 JD JD
>Nawapadol: ACLRW 8D CRAWL +26 26
#note setting up outcrawl!
#note I could've made a play that fished more for OUTCRAWL but it didn't seem worthwhile. The AL leave after COLOUR makes it slightly better in a sim.
>Nawapadol: BOX C11 BOX +30 56
>Nawapadol: ATV B12 TAV +24 80
>JD: AAEIJRR C5 RAJ +37 119
>Nawapadol: GOSY I6 GOYS +24 104
>JD: ?AEEIIP E10 AI +19 138
>Nawapadol: HUV 6G VU.H +19 123
>JD: ?EEFINP G12 EF +20 158
>Nawapadol: HPU E4 HUP +21 144
>JD: ?EEINPT 4D P.ENETIc +76 234
#note the turning point of the game. I saw STEEPING but was worried about the off-chance that it might take an S (it doesn't in either TWL or CSW). So when I came up with PHENETIC I was happier because it seemed so defensive...but PHENETICS is good!! PHENETIC is a lot more defensive otherwise.
>Nawapadol: ETY H13 TYE +24 168
>JD: ?BDIMNQ J3 Q. +11 245
#note if I know PHENETICS the safe play here is probably to burn the blank for QIS for 46.
>Nawapadol: CGI E13 CIG +17 185
>JD: ?BDDIMN H1 BID. +21 266
#note I didn't have a great way to block the E, and I felt like I was pretty safe with the blank in hand.
>Nawapadol: EKN G2 KE. +18 203
>JD: ?ADFMNO I14 OF +15 281
#note the pool isn't especially threatening. I think playing OF at I1 for 4 extra points is probably right - a bingo from the B would hurt a lot more than bingoes on row 15, which wouldn't score much and would possibly give me a hook for my blank.
>Nawapadol: DIINOUW 7F .O +15 218
>JD: ?ADDMNR J11 DRAM +27 308
>Nawapadol: AEENRST 9H A.SENTER +61 279
#note EASTERN now fits for 92!!! however, I'm lucky in this case since I already have the blank.
>JD: ?ADENNT N2 TENDANc. +70 378
#note I saw NONRATED but wasn't 100% sure it was good. TENDANCE here is really nicely defensive, effectively killing columns M-O and the B- lane at 1H. NONRATED lets him bingo 6%, TENDANCE 3%. Given that the only way he could really win at this point is hitting a huge bingo like BLAZONED or something, maybe this is the right choice.
>Nawapadol: DEIW O1 WIDE +35 314
>JD: EGILNNU 3L GL.. +12 390
#note I wanted to block the Z, and I saw that if I drew an O I would have REUNION.
>Nawapadol: AEIIIOZ L7 IO.IZE +32 346
#note his best is ICE at 8M to block my out
>JD: EINNOU O9 .EUNION +24 414
#note I was really low on time, so I only had about 4 seconds from the time I drew my tile to slap my play down. However when I hit my clock, even though I did so in time the O was a bit askew. I think it was probably out. Nawapadol ended up saying it wasn't a big thing and letting me have my outplay. I hope I'm as good of a sport next time I'm in that situation.
>JD: (AI) +4 418
Player 2
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