Player 1 |
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Trip_Payne Trip Payne
#note this was going to turn out to be a hell of a game.
>Trip_Payne: AIMOW F6 MI.OW +24 24
>Trip_Payne: ACHKS 11B HACKS +39 63
>JD: ??EGIQT A11 sQuEG +83 125
#note what a wildly fortunate day of scrabble - I scoop up two tiles in my right hand and they're both blanks. I was left with quite an interesting decision here between QuITE holding a blank and sQuEG. G? seemed like it had the potential to be pretty volatile. However, on a rather open board, I should probably have kept the blank, and the sim agrees by 3-4 points. He's likely to infer after QUITE that I have the other blank, but he likely won't be able to do that much about it.
>Trip_Payne: ADEP 3C PA.ED +26 89
#note a close call between this and FLY (which I considered) and YETT at 2F (which I did not).
>Trip_Payne: BELT 2F BELT +25 114
>JD: AEEIJLT 4B JIA. +30 180
#note quackle suggests taking the points for TAJ. The pool is noticeably consonant-heavy at this point, making AEEIL a more tolerable leave.
>Trip_Payne: ADENSTU K4 UNSTA.ED +86 200
>JD: EEILLNT 1G LEI +21 201
>Trip_Payne: AHI B10 A.I +19 219
#note I love making this play at this point. he has signaled that he's close to a bingo. LUNETTE blocks the best lane on he board (the S hook) and flips over 6 tiles in hunt of the X, which trip is very unlikely to have. In addition, he may sacrifice points to block if he thinks I have the X now.
>Trip_Payne: NU 8M .UN +9 228
>JD: EINRRRZ N2 ZIN +28 245
#note I thought about playing ERR somewhere, especially with 3 more Rs unseen, but it seemed too dire. quackle prefers it marginally at 6M over 14A to take out the X play and give me a chance at ZANIER.
>Trip_Payne: AINR D11 .AIRN +16 244
>JD: BEORRRV 6D R..OVER. +15 260
#note After his sequence of moves, it seems to me he must have an S. giving him a great lane with TROVE or TROVER seemed like bad news. I also had RIVER, but there are 4 Os left. the sim results become very close when I infer an S.
>Trip_Payne: AFS O1 FAS +32 276
>JD: BEEGINR C13 BE +18 278
#note BE here blocks some of my lanes now that I have a bingo-prone leave. NEB is better by a little bit.
>Trip_Payne: DDY 13C ..DDY +16 292
>JD: EGINOOR 5A NOG +19 297
#note this play is ok and prevents me from getting killed by OX/JO/PIX. however, if I play short here (1 or 2 tiles) it seems that I may have better tempo for the endgame. EGER/GO for 19, YO/OE for 11 and NONE for 17 score as much and keep better leaves. On the other hand, maybe Trip will empty the bag if I only leave 3 in there.
>Trip_Payne: HOU L9 .HOU +22 314
#note emptying the bag with 3 left is often an error, but in this case it was a sharp play by trip to create a nice scoring spot for his S that would be hard for me to block.
>JD: EIORRRX A5 .IXE +33 330
#note we were both running very low on time by now. I realized shortly after I made this play that I had made a pretty significant error - that is, I should've played ERROR leaving XI or NIX to go out. However, given my draw I am toast, since the actual play he made still fits and wins him the game.
>Trip_Payne: ACIMOPS 13K ASPIC +26 340
#note he can exploit my now-terrible rack even more than he did by playing something like MA at M12 to set up PISCO.
>JD: ORRR O13 .OR +15 345
>Trip_Payne: MO 9E M.O +13 353
>Trip_Payne: (RR) +4 357
#note any 12-point loss is always going to lead to some second-guessing, but I think I played pretty well. Using both blanks and NOG may have cost me.