Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Eric Eric
#player2 Will Will
>Eric: CELPT 8D CLEPT +24 24
>Will: ENNRSTY C3 SENTRY +33 33
>Eric: CHOO D2 COHO +32 56
>Will: DINNRVZ F7 V.ND +12 45
>Eric: AEFM 10B FAME. +19 75
>Will: IINNRSZ 11C RIN +16 61
>Eric: EGT 12B TEG +23 98
>Will: ?IINSWZ 13A WIS +22 83
#note WIZ incoming
>Eric: AO 7E A.O +14 112
>Will: ?AINRUZ A13 .IZ +45 128
>Eric: ?AEERTT H1 REATTEs. +80 192
#note Noooo!!! This isn't a word!
>Will: ?AENORU 5F OU.EARNs +64 192
>Eric: AAAIII -AAAIII +0 192
>Will: DEIIJUU L3 JI. +20 212
#note Too cute. Best to play JUDO or exchange.
>Eric: AGLY J2 GAY.L +15 207
>Will: DEIILUU 2L DUI +20 232
>Eric: AX 1N AX +29 236
>Will: EILMOPU G3 PI. +17 249
>Eric: AFR 15A .ARF +20 256
>Will: ADELMOU K5 .OULADE +18 267
#note I could do 14D OUD or 2D CUM here too, which I thought about. I was a bit baffled here.
>Eric: EIOSSV 8J O.IVES +30 286
>Will: ABBEGMN N8 .BB +13 280
#note At this point, I am attuned to the possibility of MUONS M1, which looks like it could be killer on this board, so I am not willing to give up MN. My play is okay, but J10 EBB is better for the extra points and tile pick.
>Eric: IQ 9A QI +16 302
>Will: AEEGMNU M10 AGUE +14 294
#note I was happy with this play, though J10 and L10 EMU are simming at least as well. This keeps MN for MUONS, doesn't offer too much counterplay (well, at least not a wide variety of plays - Eric can hook his S for a bingo or good score, which seems like the only downside to AGUE), and I doubt the S is still available to draw for SUQ anyway, making the U expendable.
>Eric: HKN 12L H.NK +32 334
>Will: ELMNOOW O12 .OEL +24 318
#note Hoping to induce Eric to block MOWN for next to nothing so that MUONS will score enough to win. Better than no plan at all, I guess.
>Eric: DEIRST E13 IDS +21 355
#note This is's tough for Eric to lose here.
>Will: MNOW M1 M.ON. +44 362
#note MOWN and MUONS are equal in equity (not that I knew that during the game), but I need to induce Eric into going over or doing something crazy.
>Eric: ERT J11 RET +5 360
#note He finished with 0:00!
>Eric: (W) +8 368
Player 2
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