Game Details
Player 1
#player1 dacrON dacrON
#player2 Zev Zev
>dacrON: AAEEGOR 8C AGORAE +18 18
>Zev: EHW 9E HEW +29 29
>dacrON: AADEIKN 7C KANA +36 54
>Zev: AEIPRTY 6F PIETY +36 65
#note (actual rack). Maybe something a tad shorter? YIP perhaps?
>dacrON: DEGIJOZ 6B JOG +39 93
>Zev: AACNRSU H1 ARCAN. +27 92
#note (actual rack)
>dacrON: DEHITUZ 4B DEUTZI. +34 127
#note Didnt think of HE(R)TZ. Close call for sure.
>Zev: DELLSU 3H .ULLED +20 112
>dacrON: BBHISUY 5J BUSBY +31 158
#note This is a really bad mistake. NUBBY is a slang word my brother and I used to use, and I immediately rejected it as a word. SERIOUSLY?!
>Zev: ADFF 10F DAFF +33 145
>dacrON: ?AHILNV H10 .LAVIN +39 197
>Zev: ?DEIOST 1H .zOTISED +77 222
>dacrON: ?HORTTU 12G w.TTHOUR +70 267
#note This is one of the worst bingos that play. Can you find the other 5(!)? I was thrilled just to find this.
>Zev: EMW 3A MEW +29 251
>dacrON: AEIILMO 2B LOAMIE. +36 303
>Zev: CETV K8 VETC. +26 277
>dacrON: IIINPSS O12 SNIP +33 336
#note SPIN sims higher...why? Something with QI?
>Zev: EN 4L NE +16 293
>dacrON: EIIOORS 8K .ISOR +27 363
#note wow, I couldn't even find VIREO. I was just happy that he had no possible bingos in the pool...
>Zev: EGINOQR M11 Q.IRE +28 321
>dacrON: EIORX 9M OX +22 385
>Zev: GNO J12 .ONG +7 328
>Zev: (EIR) +6 334
#note A marginally better effort, but I'd better pick up the pace, soon.
Player 2
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