Player 1 |
#player1 Matt_Canik Matt Canik
#player2 Cecelia_Le Cecelia Le
>Matt_Canik: DFNQRRR -FNQRR +0 0
>Cecelia_Le: IIIII -IIIII +0 0
>Matt_Canik: ADDKORT 8G DAK +16 16
#note I like opening small. Quackle still wants me to play TROAK holding DD. , but this is only about a point back.
>Cecelia_Le: AG G6 GA. +6 6
>Matt_Canik: DOPRTUW H7 W.UR +12 28
#note I didn't see a way to stop the EGAD setup. I didn't see UPGROW or WORKUP.
>Cecelia_Le: ACEGIRT 5B CIGARET +76 82
>Matt_Canik: ?DOPTTZ C4 D.TZ +24 52
>Cecelia_Le: HSY 8A SHY +45 127
>Matt_Canik: ?EMNOPT J6 POsTMEN +80 132
>Cecelia_Le: APVY 11I P.AVY +26 153
>Matt_Canik: ACDEFIQ 10D FAQI. +37 169
>Cecelia_Le: ELMRSV E9 M.RVEL +22 175
#note She said she held an S here.
>Matt_Canik: CDEEOSU 15A COEDS +42 211
#note Wow. I know SCUDO but not ESCUDO. I was really torn between COEDS, SCUDO, and EDUC(T) on this play, but she played marvel really really fast so I assumed she held an S, and thus wanted to kill the line.
>Cecelia_Le: AEIISTX 14E .AXITIES +69 244
>Matt_Canik: EEIILNU 12C UN.EIL +20 231
>Cecelia_Le: EJLOU K2 JOULE +28 272
>Matt_Canik: AEINOOR 7A OO.E +20 251
>Cecelia_Le: ILNO L1 LOIN +25 297
>Matt_Canik: AINNORS 2K ..IN +22 273
>Cecelia_Le: EF 1N EF +17 314
>Matt_Canik: ANORSTU 15H SANTOUR +89 362
#note This is the only spot to play SANTOUR. I basically have to hope she can't hit me back with a bingo where the blank is an S. That's pretty likely, given that she just fished EF for very few points.
>Cecelia_Le: ?AEEGNR O9 ENRAGEs +95 409
#note gg.
>Matt_Canik: BBEORTW N6 BROW +20 382
>Cecelia_Le: ADHII 13A DAH +24 433
>Matt_Canik: BET M10 B.TE +18 400
>Matt_Canik: (II) +4 404