Game Details
Player 1
#player1 sam sam
#player2 k8 k8
>sam: CCIMO 8D COMIC +28 28
>k8: HIINPRW D8 .HIRP +24 24
>sam: HPU 7E HUP +27 55
>k8: DEIILNW 11D .EWIN +16 40
>sam: GIU H8 .UI.G +10 65
>k8: ADILNST F6 L.. +7 47
#note Type a note here!
>sam: BGIO 5C BIOG +21 86
>k8: ADEINST I2 NIDATES +72 119
>sam: ABELY H1 BELAY +46 132
>k8: AAAFIOR 6I .AFIA +10 129
>sam: AXZ 4B ZAX +60 192
>k8: AEEORTY 6B YO +18 147
#note oyez, chirpy/oy.
>sam: GNOVW L3 VOW.NG +30 222
>k8: AAEERRT 8L .EAR +15 162
#note i am so bad with seven point racks.
>sam: Q 10G Q. +22 244
>k8: AELNORT B2 LE. +24 186
>sam: ?DEEFRT O8 .aFTERED +86 330
>k8: AENORRT 5K O.NER +28 214
>sam: ?LNOTTU 14H UNbOTTL. +64 394
>k8: ADJRSTV A1 JAR +34 248
#note i basically have to get lucky here, so i leave the bingo line.
>sam: EINORTU 15C ROUTINE +82 476
>k8: ADEOSTV 11D .....D +10 258
#note so, i've mistracked and i think there's an R left, which means this fish can hit AVOSETS or R(EN)OVATES. it works less well when there is no R.

>sam: AEEIMSS O1 AIME.S +27 503
>k8: ADEOSTV 13B VESTA +29 287
>sam: EKS N7 S.KE +22 525
>sam: (DO) +6 531
Player 2
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