Player 1 |
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Amnuay Amnuay
>JD: ?AEGSTT 8D GESTAlT +68 68
>Amnuay: AAITV E3 AVIAT. +18 18
>JD: CMNOOSU F6 MO. +23 91
>Amnuay: AOW 4D A.OW +20 38
>JD: CNOPSUZ H1 CUPS +39 130
#note my first mistake of the tournament - on an open board without any great Z spots, quackle prefers ZAP keeping CNOSU. I agree.
>Amnuay: ?ADEOSU K4 ArOUSED +72 110
>JD: EEHINOZ L1 ZONE +50 180
#note I did not realize that HO had better synergy than HI. after ZINE I am more likely to be able to score well at J6.
>Amnuay: AEO 1L .OEA +39 149
>JD: AEFGHIT 2F FA.GH +28 208
#note had I played ZINE I would have the superior FAGOT at J2 this turn.
>Amnuay: DEEGINO I7 E.OIGNED +62 211
>JD: EHIIKNT 11C KITHIN. +30 238
#note I am surprised that HIKING sims better than KITHING given that HIKING lets amnuay score better next turn - I think the sim results may be misleading, in that Amnuay will be less likely than quackle to give me good plays on column A next turn. Quackle also likes HIT at H13 which may be worth considering.
>Amnuay: EFLLOOW 14B FOLLOWE. +84 295
>JD: BEEINNR 13A NEB +23 261
#note I thought it made sense to play here to make sure that he wouldn't kill me by playing on the triple line next turn. however, with the vast number of Rs remaining, quackle prefers taking the points for BRIN at 12A, also potentially setting up KINO/REF/EN as a nice fishing option for next turn. NEB at J4 for 25 also does better in a sim. My play is a strange choice given that I am down and need greater volatility.
>Amnuay: ER 15G ER +17 312
>JD: EILNPRS 3B PIL.R +22 283
#note I'm blowing up a good leave, but I thought I needed the points and the new lane. quackle likes it.
>Amnuay: BEN J4 NEB +25 337
>JD: ENRRRSV -RRV +0 283
>Amnuay: AELRU 12H U.REAL +17 354
>JD: DENRSTT D10 D.T +8 291
#note NERD for 19 is a cool way of fishing that I missed. I need all the points I can get. my bingo chances are significantly higher after DIT than after NERD (27% V 15%) but I may still be behind if I bingo after DIT.
>Amnuay: AMQU M9 QUA.M +52 406
>JD: DENRSTY M9 .....Y +20 311
#note with the amount of awful letters in the pool, I thought I had a shot if I fished here for SPRINTED and he emptied the bag or something like that. the dominant play that quackle suggested here is SYN/QUALMY, leaving me with the last E for the hook and DERT, and a decent shot of drawing DIRTIER. with that said, he would most likely see what I was doing and block the hook (even just playing QI would do the trick). Neither SYN nor QUALMY has a great chance of winning. I'd say QUALMY may have a slightly better shot.
>Amnuay: IX 2N XI +38 444
#note now I'm done.
>JD: DENRRST 11M .R +2 313
#note guarantees me the out-bingo if I draw an I
>Amnuay: CIIJRVY O10 ICY +17 461
>JD: (IJRV) +28 417
#note I am now 0-1, -44.