Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Ronald Ronald
#player2 Ricky Ricky
>Ronald: ?AEEINO -EO +0 0
>Ricky: INOV 8E VINO +14 14
>Ronald: ?AEIMNR I2 MARINEs +67 67
>Ricky: JLO H1 JOL +36 50
>Ronald: BEEIMOZ 6F ZEI. +33 100
>Ricky: EFHIS 4D FISHE. +38 88
>Ronald: ABEGLMO 3B GLOBE +27 127
>Ricky: IIUUUU -IIUUUU +0 88
>Ronald: AAMSUUW -AUUW +0 127
>Ricky: IIUU -IIUU +0 88
>Ronald: AIMSSVY J3 MY +28 155
>Ricky: ILP K1 LIP +13 101
>Ronald: AINSSUV B1 VU. +14 169
>Ricky: EEIT 1A E.ITE +27 128
>Ronald: AINSSST J6 ST +22 191
#note Missing SESTINAS (7h)
>Ricky: ?AGHINR L3 sHARING +80 208
#note Good thing that I did not see SESTINAS, otherwise, oRANGI(S)H 01 would have given Ricky, a whopping 158 points!
>Ronald: AAINOSS E8 .INA +14 205
>Ricky: EWY F10 YEW +24 232
#note Ricky counted his score as 24 instead of 32
>Ronald: AEELOSS 8K E.OL +4 209
#note I've not been successful in doing this kind of setup play in my previous tournaments, but this time the next rack gave me a gem!
>Ricky: DEGOR N6 GO.DER +14 246
>Ronald: AESSTTU O2 STATUES +94 303
>Ronald: AACNOOT (challenge) +5 308
>Ricky: FOT 5C OFT +31 277
>Ronald: AACNOOT D9 TANA +19 327
>Ricky: A G4 .A. +6 283
>Ronald: CEKOOQU 11I COOKE. +24 351
>Ricky: ADR 12K RAD +25 308
>Ronald: ABDEPQU N1 QUEP +40 391
>Ricky: CDINRUX 6B XU +27 335
>Ronald: ABDRW 13I DRAW +23 414
>Ricky: CDINR 7A RID +21 356
>Ronald: B F2 B.. +11 425
>Ronald: (CN) +8 433
Player 2
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