Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Will Will
#player2 Larry Larry
>Will: ?EGNORT 8G RONTGEn +66 66
>Larry: OSX N8 SOX +34 34
>Will: ABEFNNR M6 FA.NER +22 88
#note This felt really weak, but there isn't anything killer here and might be the best of a mediocre lot.
>Larry: AGH L10 HAG +29 63
>Will: BEEIINU K5 BEI.E +16 104
>Larry: IIIIII -IIIIII +0 63
>Will: INOPQUV J6 PO. +23 127
>Larry: EPRRY L1 PERRY +33 96
>Will: ?AINQUV 2J QU.AN +68 195
>Larry: ILNRU 12G LURIN. +8 104
>Will: ?CIOTVV G10 VO.TI +9 204
>Larry: EH F13 EH +28 132
>Will: ?ACDLTV E11 VAT +15 219
>Larry: DEILOTU 7B OUTLIED +66 198
>Larry: DEILOTU -- -66 132
>Will: ?AACDGL 7E CLAG +14 233
>Larry: DEILOTU 1L .LOD +25 157
>Will: ?ACDKNS J12 .CK +19 252
#note I have an S and Larry probably doesn't, so DICK makes more sense.
>Larry: EIJU E4 JUI.E +28 185
>Will: ?AADINS H14 NA +12 264
#note I spaced on ICKY although I thought of NAYSAID. Also, I made a bad play anyway. I thought about both ASIDE and AID but I figured I would let Larry play there and bingo off of the resulting through tiles.
>Larry: ADOZ 8A ADOZ. +75 260
#note I deserved that...totally preventable.
>Will: ?ADEEIS B8 .ISEAsED +72 336
>Larry: IM A14 MI +25 285
>Will: EEMRSTW 11J WE.. +31 367
>Larry: BTT 5D B.TT +6 291
>Will: DEMRSTW H1 TREWS +43 410
>Larry: AEILOSU 2B LOUSIE. +18 309
>Will: DIIMNOY C10 IDIOM +32 442
#note Close, C7 MONODY sheds all the junk. (-3)
>Larry: AF 1A FA +17 326
>Larry: (NY) +10 336
Player 2
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