Player 1 |
#player1 Pat_Badgley Pat Badgley
#player2 Steve Steve
>Pat_Badgley: ADVY 8G DAVY +22 22
>Steve: ABILNOR 7J BOIL +14 14
#note Saw bingos thru an E or G, but missed this one through the A.
>Pat_Badgley: AINT 8L TAIN +20 42
>Steve: ACCHMNR 6H CHAM +27 41
>Pat_Badgley: AAEGIMR - +0 42
>Steve: ?CGJNRU O6 JU. +10 51
#note Don't like the way this board is shaping up, but this is about the best I can do. GNU at 9m is rated a tiny, tiny bit better, but that allows easy s ending bingos.
>Pat_Badgley: AEN I6 .A.EN +21 63
#note Nice play that blocks an 83 point bingo that I was hoping to play.
>Steve: ?CEGNRT 10C CENTRi.G +66 117
#note She almost challenged, but didn't due to her comeback play.
>Pat_Badgley: ?EELNRR C8 RE.LiNER +70 133
>Steve: IOSSTVY 15A TO.Y +33 150
>Pat_Badgley: AIRW 8A WI.RA +27 160
>Steve: DFISSSV E5 DIV. +16 166
#note Nice to have the three esses. This play sets up my F nicely, but is a blunder. Best is VIS(IT) or VIS(IT)S.
>Pat_Badgley: EFIPTUX - +0 160
#note Pat passes four tiles.
>Steve: BEFNSSS F5 EF +29 195
>Pat_Badgley: EHIPR L6 P..HIER +38 198
#note Nice.
>Steve: ABNNSSS 14B B.ANS +31 226
>Pat_Badgley: AEP F10 .APE. +7 205
#note I don't know her rack, but this has to be a blunder. I assume she's playing this to block the bingo lines.
>Steve: NOORSSW K11 WOS +24 250
#note Q likes WOOS better in the same spot, and also SOW(E)R at 11I, but I want to keep the case R, given the hook at F4.
>Pat_Badgley: IIKT 14K TIKI +23 228
>Steve: DENORSU 4F RESOUND +74 324
#note Pat says I've won the game after I made this play, but I know better than to relax.
>Pat_Badgley: EX G12 EX +38 266
>Steve: AADLOSTT 15L DATO +34 358
>Pat_Badgley: FIIOOUZ H1 ZOO. +39 305
>Steve: AELOSUU J2 UL. +5 363
#note Q somehow likes emptying the bag and plays OU(Z)EL. I'll defend my play, however, and like the fact it stops plays like F(O)G and M(O)G.
>Pat_Badgley: IQ 13I QI. +22 327
#note Now I feel safe.
>Steve: AEILOSU 3J .IEU +13 376
#note Guarantees an out in two, but best is LOUIES up top for 25.
>Pat_Badgley: EEFGGMT 12B F.G +12 339
>Steve: ALOS N1 ALSO +13 389
>Steve: (EEGMT) +16 405