Player 1 |
#player1 Dominick_Mancine Dominick Mancine
#player2 JD JD
#description 06/30/2012 Reno, NV round 7
>Dominick_Mancine: CRUX 8F CRUX +26 26
>JD: BGLRRUZ 9I URB +16 16
#note totally missed bulgur here, a little better than my play I think.
>Dominick_Mancine: LOW K9 .OWL +18 44
>JD: AGHLRUZ 12K .AUGH +26 42
>Dominick_Mancine: ADET O8 DEAT. +27 71
>JD: AAAILRZ N10 ZA. +66 108
>Dominick_Mancine: BDE O8 .....BED +45 116
#note it should be a word but I held for awhile.
>Dominick_Mancine: OORT O3 TORO +15 131
>JD: AHINTTY M3 HAY +40 221
>Dominick_Mancine: EILOSST G5 EST.IOLS +60 191
#note I was feeling pretty good at this point
>Dominick_Mancine: AEKNW H1 WAKEN +41 232
>JD: EEIIOPR 12D POI.E +16 317
>Dominick_Mancine: ?DINOPR D8 DROP.INg +64 296
>JD: EEEFGIR 8A FEE. +24 341
#note at this point it's just about trying to hold on for dear life...I don't thinkI'm up enough to play defensively, so instead I went for the most balanced leave. drawing an N woud be great.
>Dominick_Mancine: DEF E10 FE.D +32 328
>JD: EGIORTY C13 YO +26 367
#note I considered yogi but this is the most points anyway.
>Dominick_Mancine: ?AIIMNS 2C MAINS.Il +61 389
#note he had managed to get pretty low on time by now and did not find one of his better bingoes here. finalism would've killed me off.
>JD: AEGIJRT 3B JAG +33 400
#note I was trying to play relatively fast, so I may have overlooked jager or jagra at this spo. that said, I think this is a good scoring spot to set up given what the pool looks like, and I like not emptying the bag.
>Dominick_Mancine: IMNNOSV 5F V..OMS +22 411
>JD: CEEIRTV 4C REV +25 425
#note the best play here is one I didn't consider - RET to set up VICE/MARC/AGEE. I had lots of time but spent at least 5 minutes thinking my sequence would be CON at 14B followed by VIER/ICON - but of course, that doesn't work! the best I could find afterwards was REV then CON then TIE/ICON but for some reason I never did the math on the out-in-two. As I did the math it became clear that I was headed for a 1 point loss...
>Dominick_Mancine: INNQ 14K QI +24 435
>JD: CEIT 14B C.. +10 435
#note as it turns out, I had dominick with 10 more points than he actually had, so this would've been a game-losing error - he was extremely low on time and I was hoping to get him to screw up his next play, but actually I should just go out at this point by playing CITE rather than CON - TIE/ICON.
>Dominick_Mancine: NN 14N N. +8 443
>JD: EIT A13 TIE +15 450
#note I was out of time now too and furious because I thought I had just lost by a point. instead, we recounted and it turned into a 9 point win. nail-biting stuff! and yes, CITE would've been a 1 point win had we not recounted.
>JD: (N) +2 452 |