Player 1 |
#player1 Chris_Canik Chris Canik
#player2 Kevin_Leeds Kevin Leeds
>Chris_Canik: DFHRRTV -DFHRRTV +0 0
#note Keeping an R simulates slightly higher.
>Kevin_Leeds: EIKLLY 8G LIKELY +34 34
>Chris_Canik: DDEIMNP J5 IMP.NDED +74 74
#note Lucky draw...
>Kevin_Leeds: EIOW L8 .OWIE +22 56
>Chris_Canik: AFGIIOR K5 FAI. +32 106
#note Seeing AIRFOI(L) would've been awesome. I don't know why I played FAI(L) over FOI(L) though. I think I rationalized it with the M-column parallel or something.
>Kevin_Leeds: ACEHTT 12D CHATTE. +28 84
>Chris_Canik: EGGIMOR 11E OM +22 128
#note Tough position. I kept toying with MOGGIER* in my head, despite that it didn't play, because I knew I had seen MOGGY before. I was right, but it's a noun. Freaking cats.
But back on topic: GIG(H)E sims a few tenths higher, and MOG at M12 also does, but I thought it a bit silly to throw an S-hook out for him after he just dumped 6 tiles.
>Kevin_Leeds: III -III +0 84
>Chris_Canik: BEGGIRS L1 BRIGS +28 156
#note Another interesting position. Quackle says it wasn't quite worth the points to play BRIGS here, and to instead take B(E)G at I11 or even just (E)GG I12. Also interesting is BREG(MA) at 6F. I'm just a tiny bit premature in my Scrabble career to be studying 6's.
>Kevin_Leeds: AIX H12 .AXI +33 117
>Chris_Canik: EGLNPRT 3H PELT.NG +22 178
#note Yet another frustrating position. My inner novice is drooling at the possibility of keeping GN with two open I's on the board for -ING bingoes, and I'm unsure that it was correct to suppress that urge. Quackle, however, places PELT(I)NG a full percentage point over the next three options, which are each to dump two consonants for umpteen points.
>Kevin_Leeds: ?ACELOS 1G SOCiA.LE +83 200
#note There are two Triple-Triples for him here, but I don't blame him for missing them. I won't spoil them for you if you feel like searching, but one of them is fun.
>Chris_Canik: AHORRSU 15D HOUR. +12 190
#note These types of plays separate the men from the boys... unfortunately, my Scrabble persona must still be a boy. Firstly, I chickened out on (SOCiABLE)s, which is valid. SH at O1 is then the obvious play, for a hilarious 51 points. Short of that hook, OAR or HOAR in the 10-row are next-best. (T)HO at G12 is considerable for points, and HOUR(I) is just middling.
>Kevin_Leeds: FIJU 2D FUJI +32 232
>Chris_Canik: AEERRSY 1A EYRE +30 220
#note YARE is better.
>Kevin_Leeds: DEIRTUV 4C VIRTUED +82 314
#note Phoney. I kick myself for this after the game.
>Chris_Canik: AANORST - +0 220
#note I won't even divulge the phoney I tried here... mostly so that it doesn't get lodged in your head like it would mine.
>Kevin_Leeds: AOV 14B AVO +17 331
>Chris_Canik: AANORST 10J .A.N +8 228
#note Helpful hint: No, PELTING doesn't take an S. Thus, I decide to give myself a lane. Quackle's probably not a fantastic consultant for positions like these, but it prefers blocking the 9 and 10 rows with something like NA at 10E for a whopping 9 more points than (D)A(W)N. Of course, (SOCiABLE)S would still be better.
>Kevin_Leeds: ?DENOSU N3 .UErDONS +72 403
#note Gg. E(X)pOUNDS is cool, but I won't criticize him for not taking the extra time to look. It's just a club game.
>Chris_Canik: AOQRSTT 7F QAT +18 246
>Kevin_Leeds: BGINNOR A1 .NROBING +86 489
#note Just to rub salt in it...
>Chris_Canik: EEORSTZ 8A .EEZ +24 270
#note ZERO at 10B.
>Kevin_Leeds: AAW 9E AWA +11 500
>Kevin_Leeds: (ROST) +8 508