Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Kolton_Koehler Kolton Koehler
#player2 Nigel_Peltier Nigel Peltier
>Kolton_Koehler: AACIRRU 8D CURARI +22 22
>Nigel_Peltier: ABDEINY F6 BA.NY +24 24
>Kolton_Koehler: ADFNOUU 9I FOUND +24 46
>Nigel_Peltier: DEEIINY D7 I.Y +8 32
#note Quackle does not like this move at all. 8K NEEDY or 8L EIDE
>Kolton_Koehler: AINOORU 8K NAIRU +26 72
>Nigel_Peltier: DEEGIRV H1 DIVERGE. +92 124
#note phony

>Kolton_Koehler: EEHIOOU -EHIOOU +0 72
>Nigel_Peltier: AELNNNP N2 PLANNE. +22 146
>Kolton_Koehler: BEGIOPS O1 BIOG +38 110
>Nigel_Peltier: ELLNSTZ 2G Z.LL +15 161
>Kolton_Koehler: AEEEEPS 1H .EE +8 118
#note G4 PEE sims best
>Nigel_Peltier: ?EHNSTU 10I SH +32 193
#note C1 HUNTErS, 4C cHUTN(E)ES, 4B ENTHUs(E)S, O7 N(U)THoUSE.

It is possible that he wrote his rack down incorrectly.
>Kolton_Koehler: AEEPRST C1 REPEATS +73 191
>Nigel_Peltier: ?ENOOTU C9 OUTdONE +70 263
>Kolton_Koehler: EEILOVW 15A WE.VIL +48 239
>Nigel_Peltier: DGKQRST 4B K.G +16 279
#note Tough rack. Quackle says 5B Q(A)TS or exchange, but this play sets up A1 QATS if he draws one of the 4 unseen As
>Kolton_Koehler: CEJOOTX B13 JO. +33 272
#note I saw CO(R)TEX up top, but wanted a chance to play the X on 10B.
>Nigel_Peltier: QRST L6 TR..Q +14 293
#note He didn't write this rack down, so apparently he didn't get the A
>Kolton_Koehler: CEEOOTX 1A CO.TEX +48 320
#note And I didn't get my I
>Nigel_Peltier: EMST K2 STEM +26 319
#note Didn't get this rack either, I think he was low on time too.
>Kolton_Koehler: ADEIIOS 11J OI +10 330
#note M7 O(ID)IA for 22 is pretty cool. Also, I didn't know (WEEVIL)ED.
>Nigel_Peltier: AADFMTW 2B D.AF +29 348
#note 12K FATWA and J4 WAFT sim best
>Kolton_Koehler: ?ADEHIS A4 SHADIEr +93 423
#note And I get really lucky and draw the blank at the end for a bingo out....
>Kolton_Koehler: (AAIMOTW) +24 447
Player 2
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