Player 1 |
#player1 Jason_Katz-Brown Jason Katz-Brown
#player2 JD JD
>Jason_Katz-Brown: EINNP 8D PENNI +20 20
>JD: ?OPRTUY I3 OUTPRaY +74 74
#note I saw eutrophy and outpray but not poultry, which is the best bingo.
>Jason_Katz-Brown: HTY H1 THY +32 52
#note YO!
>JD: DEEEILU 5H E.UDE +12 86
>Jason_Katz-Brown: GISZ 10F ZIGS +46 98
>JD: ?BDEEIL L1 BELI.vED +80 166
>Jason_Katz-Brown: IQ 9C QI +25 123
>JD: DDEENRT 1L .END +21 187
#note he just blocked tendered!
>Jason_Katz-Brown: AEILNOS K8 ANISOLE +67 190
>JD: DEJRTUW 14J J.WED +64 251
>Jason_Katz-Brown: FHO L12 HO.F +46 236
#note nice find!
>JD: AMMRRTU J2 MUM. +24 275
#note mumu at 4F is awesome!!! however playing MURA or MURRA dominates the sim. there are lots of As left. holding the M leads me to score an extra 4-5 points next turn.
>Jason_Katz-Brown: EILRSTU O1 .ILUTERS +80 316
>JD: AAORRTX 11E RATO +24 299
#note I didn't even see TAXA but hoding the X sims pretty nicely. I am a big underdog. ROTA does quite well on the sim but probably looks too shady to work.
>Jason_Katz-Brown: ABEK N6 BEAK +30 346
>JD: AGORSTX 15L .ROG +29 328
#note cashing the X wins the sim. I thought about playing ox now but thought holding the X had a better potential of a big score.
>Jason_Katz-Brown: AGILNOO H10 ..OGOL +27 373
#note his actual rack. cool play!
>JD: AAESTWX 12B WAXES +44 372
>Jason_Katz-Brown: ACEFINN 13A FENI +32 405
>Jason_Katz-Brown: ACEFINN -- -32 373
#note a huge break! this is exactly what I needed.
>JD: AAAITTV E3 AVIAT. +18 390
#note unfortunately I totally blew this play. I saw that he would have FIN at 10B for 30, and that he might not be able to use row 13. However, I played AVIATE anyway thinking that I would probably be able to win the subsequent endgame with an out-in-two. the best options block FIN - either AWAIT or VIA (I didn't think of AWAIT).
>Jason_Katz-Brown: ACEFINN 10B FIN +30 403
>JD: AACORTV 14C OCTAV. +13 403
#note unfortunately, I flat out blew this endgame under time pressure. I looked for plays at column M but somehow missed VOTER, which leaves CARAT and ACARI as my two outs.
>Jason_Katz-Brown: ACEINR 4B CAR.EN +22 425
>JD: AR M1 .RA +12 415
>JD: (I) +2 417
#note I got enough breaks that I could've won this game, but unfortunately I screwed up the pre-endgame and endgame too severely.