Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Ron_Hoekstra Ron Hoekstra
#player2 JD JD
>Ron_Hoekstra: BOUY 8F BUOY +18 18
>Ron_Hoekstra: EINNOOV -EIN +0 18
#note flung wins the sim by a point, not sure if that's affected by ron's X3.
>Ron_Hoekstra: EO E9 .OE +12 30
>JD: DEHILNS F8 ..H +29 56
>Ron_Hoekstra: AAEORRT 7A AERATOR +72 102
>Ron_Hoekstra: AAEORRT -- -72 30
#note obah is collins, he came close to sneaking it by me.
#note now that I know his rack is aerator, sticking the E in the triple lane means he'll probably play AERATOR and blow up his rack while leaving me with a nice comfortable lead.
>Ron_Hoekstra: AAEORRT 15I A.RATOR +24 54
>JD: DEHIINU 12H HI.NIED +30 167
>Ron_Hoekstra: DEZ 14L ZED +45 99
>JD: AGORSUU D11 AUGUR +16 183
#note my least favorite part of this play is the bingo lane it opens, but it won't be worth that much if it comes. no other play is competitive.
>Ron_Hoekstra: EO 13N OE +8 107
>JD: EEIOSSX G12 SEI +16 199
#note I was very proud of this play - another choice that accomplishes the same objective is OGEES to set up XI.
>Ron_Hoekstra: ??EEINT 7H TrEEINg +65 172
>JD: ELMOOSX F13 OXO +53 252
#note definitely worth keeping the O, bingo percentage goes up 7% if I do.
>Ron_Hoekstra: AGRV J3 GRAV. +17 189
>JD: EJLLMNS 5I J.M +24 276
>Ron_Hoekstra: AEGISTT M1 ESTATI.G +68 257
>JD: ELLMNQS 1L M.LL +27 303
#note no need to cash the Q yet
>Ron_Hoekstra: BFR 4L B.RF +26 283
>JD: EKNOPQS 11I Q. +22 325
#note if I draw an E I get ESNE for a bunch
>Ron_Hoekstra: CFIOPRT -CFIOP +0 283
>JD: AEKNOPS 15A KNA. +24 349
>Ron_Hoekstra: IW 3H WI. +8 291
>JD: AEFNOPS H1 FA.N +33 382
>Ron_Hoekstra: CIU 1E CUI. +9 300
>JD: EEOOPRS K10 ES.E +40 422
#note pereon is better since I'm more likely to go out.
>Ron_Hoekstra: EILPTTY E1 .LIPT +18 318
>JD: COOPR A12 POC. +15 437
#note crop/coop by 1 to block TYPE.
>Ron_Hoekstra: ETY 3B YET. +14 332
>Ron_Hoekstra: (OR) +4 336
#note he went over by 7 minutes!
Player 2
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