Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Mack Mack
#player2 Bnjy Bnjy
>Mack: CILOT 8H LOTIC +20 20
>Bnjy: AEHIINX 9I XI +36 36
>Mack: NOW 10H WON +23 43
>Bnjy: AAEHINU H10 .AHINE +48 84
>Mack: ADELRRT 15B TREADL.R +60 103
>Bnjy: AAAEGJU C10 JAGUA. +28 112
>Mack: EM G12 EM +19 122
>Bnjy: AEEKLSU 12A KU.EL +30 142
>Mack: ADEM 11B M.DE +25 147
>Bnjy: AAEGISS I13 GA. +16 158
>Mack: EOP D8 EPO.. +18 165
>Bnjy: AEIOSST L8 .OATIS +16 174
#note I wanted to go for turnover here.
>Mack: ?DNOOST C2 SNOOTeD +67 232
>Bnjy: ABDENSW 8A BE..W +33 207
>Mack: EOYZ 4A ZO.EY +54 286
>Bnjy: ADENRSU 5E ASUNDER +92 299
#note A lucky break gives me a fighting chance
>Mack: AFGIY H1 FAYI.G +42 328
>Bnjy: EEHNNRS 6J HEN +29 328
>Mack: BFI 4J FIB +28 356
>Bnjy: ?ELNQRS M1 LENS +17 345
#note This play is the reason I posted this game: Quackle wants me to play qi at 12K, but I don't see how that wins. This lets me hedge my bets. If I hit an i I have qUi(z). If I hit an e I have qUe(e)r. If I hit a u I have both of them. He can only block/take one of the spots and has no way of knowing which one I will be able to use.
>Mack: IRT A1 RIT. +39 395
>Bnjy: ?AQRRUV 2J QUe.R +66 411
#note I haven't looked at all of the scenarios, but championship player says this is 37.5% to win. That seems
>Mack: EIIOPTV 12K V.E +6 401
#note Mack was low on time.
>Bnjy: ACRV 1M .AV +20 431
>Mack: IIOPT 14A PI. +14 415
>Bnjy: CR 10L .RC +11 442
>Bnjy: (IOT) +6 448
Player 2
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