Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Michael_Fleck Michael Fleck
#player2 Magrathean Magrathean
>Michael_Fleck: EGG 8F EGG +10 10
>Magrathean: ?DHIMRR F7 H.RM +15 15
>Michael_Fleck: IW H6 WI. +7 17
#note a bit of a weird play given that playing it nextdoor gives 7 more points
>Magrathean: ?DEIRVX 10F .IREX +30 45
#note this is an interesting move. I played MIREX, but quackle likes RIVED best, maybe because it sets up the X. It also blocks the easy hook...I would rather play through the X as fast as possible with the blank on my rack, though
>Michael_Fleck: AEIRU 9J AUREI +15 32
>Magrathean: ?ADISUV M2 DISVAlU. +72 117
#note the decisive move
>Michael_Fleck: EHIJKNS - +0 32
#note he challenged. I was pretty worried, but it turned out to be good.
>Magrathean: AEEGSTW 2J WEE.S +34 151
#note mrr. I wasn't a huge fan of this play, and I'd play WAGE or RAWEST normally, but I think RAWEST opens too much and I like taking the points when up this much...but WAGE is likely still better.
>Michael_Fleck: ABBL 1H BLAB +33 65
>Magrathean: ?AAGMTT 11I MeTATAG +81 232
#note I was hoping to draw a challenge, but he didn't even hold.
>Michael_Fleck: DNO 12J DON +25 90
>Magrathean: EEELNNY 13K EYEN +23 255
>Michael_Fleck: QT 6L Q.T +14 104
>Magrathean: CELNNOU 4H CLONE. +22 277
#note OMG I missed NUCLEONS. Eek. Next best is CLONUS, which I didn't know.
>Michael_Fleck: OY 1N OY +17 121
>Magrathean: EFINPTU E4 INPUT +25 302
#note quackle wants me to play UNFIT to set up THERME...but that would let him play there too, although he might not know the hook
>Michael_Fleck: AEILNRT 2B LATRINE +72 193
>Magrathean: EFKNOPR 1A KEF +37 339
>Michael_Fleck: COZ 4C ZO.C +30 223
>Magrathean: FIJNOPS 11B JOINS +34 373
#note overestimated the need to get rid of the J, and OPSIN scores more and leaves board closed
>Michael_Fleck: EIV B11 .IVE +28 251
>Magrathean: ADFOPRT 15A PROF +54 427
>Michael_Fleck: DO N13 .OD +8 259
#note OK, here's a decent little endgame...what's the best play?
>Magrathean: AAADHIT 14H DATA +11 438
#note not quite. DITA is better, but kind of the right idea.
>Michael_Fleck: ELORSU O6 SOU +22 281
>Magrathean: AHI 7J HAI. +17 455
>Magrathean: (ELR) +6 461
Player 2
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