Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Matt Matt
#player2 Randy Randy
>Matt: DINORTU 8G TURDION +68 68
#note Yes, I did know a few Collins 7's before this tournament. Just a few.
>Randy: AIU M7 U.AI +6 6
>Matt: FGHIMNT N10 FIGHT +53 121
#note INFIGHT 2x2 for 56, the comeback doesn't hurt so bad either.
>Randy: ?AAIIKS 15H zAIKAIS +96 102
#note Nice! Also KAIkAIS# O4 for 101.
>Matt: EEMNPRV 13L VE.M +24 145
>Randy: BEMU K8 .MBUE +18 120
>Matt: EGNNPPR H5 REP.GN +9 154
#note Well this is awful, but I didn't know what to do with this rack. I'm still sometimes blind to GU#, PENGO looks best. PRENUP# is also of interest.
>Randy: ?AEOSTV 5E OVE.eATS +90 210
#note VOERTSAK#! Tons of bingoes score 90
>Matt: DENPQSW J14 Q. +31 185
>Randy: OY 6J YO +28 238
>Matt: DEENPSW L1 WEND. +26 211
>Randy: AEOT 1K A.ETO +24 262
>Matt: EELOPSS O6 LOPES +27 238
#note ELOPSES#, pl of ELOPS# a type of sturgeon, also ELLOPS#. Well that would've been cool. This is OK if I'm not going to know the bingo.
>Randy: IXY 3L .IXY +28 290
#note This sets up a nice hot spot at 2N, with 3 N's unseen.
>Matt: ADEJLRS 4C RAJ +29 267
#note Quackle wants me to dump the J for 13. The pool is nice enough that I think it's worth taking the points while keeping the S.
>Randy: DENU 6B DUNE +19 309
#note I don't know what his rack was, but UN 2N for 30 looks really nice. I think he told me after the game he wasn't sure of ONY#.
>Matt: ADELLRS 11B LADLERS +76 343
#note Also UDALLERS# and SARDELLE#, but I'll take the points.
>Randy: FGIINR B8 RIF.ING +38 347
>Matt: ABCEIOT 8A B.ACE +36 379
#note His play gives me lots of high scoring options, the question is where to play? I determined the Z was the biggest threat, and it could do the most damage at 8A, so I went for the most points there even though the leave was bad. OBI only scores 6 less at A8 and keeps ACET, which shoud be more flexible than OIT going into the endgame.
>Randy: COT 12A C.TO +26 373
>Matt: EEHIOOT 10F HO.E +30 409
#note So I track and see his rack is awful, and he can't cash the Z for very much without burning his only vowel. I play first at 10F for points and blocking ZEAL.
>Randy: ALNRWZ 3B LAZ +39 412
>Randy: ALNRWZ -- -39 373
#note I held this for several minutes, thinking of LEZ and LUZ#, but couldn't remember LAZ*. I eventually decided it had to be phony, he was trying something out of desperation, and challenge.
>Matt: EIOT 9E ET +10 419
#note Right idea but wrong sequence. IO first to block AN for 30, then ET.
>Randy: ALNRWZ 3B WAZ +45 418
>Randy: ALNRWZ -- -45 373
#note More despseration, this time I insta-challenge.
>Matt: IO 4N IO +18 437
#note Pretty much a tie game with the bag empty, ends up a 100 point difference.
>Matt: (ALNRWZ) +36 473
Player 2
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