Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Debbie Debbie
#player2 Joey Joey
>Debbie: MUV 8G VUM +16 16
>Joey: ADIORUY 9I YOU +21 21
>Debbie: DEK K8 D.KE +18 34
>Joey: ADIJNPR 12K DJIN +35 56
#note Maybe PARDI is better since it isn't quite as reckless.
>Debbie: RTW M10 WR.T +14 48
>Joey: ?ABPPRW -BPW +0 56
#note This seems like a rack I shouldn't have to exchange on, but no plays were very appetizing.
>Debbie: ?DFIOST O9 FOISTeD +97 145
#note Scored as 96.
>Joey: ?ADLPRR L12 .ARL +14 70
>Debbie: IRV 15I VIR. +7 152
>Joey: ?ADHIPR L2 RAPHIDe +76 146
>Debbie: NYZ 3K Z.NY +32 184
>Joey: BEEGLMO 14J BO.E +32 178
>Debbie: HOW F6 WHO +26 210
>Joey: AEGLLMN 9C GLAM +21 199
>Debbie: GNORSTU 6H OUTR.NGS +65 275
>Joey: ELLNOQU K1 LE. +14 213
>Debbie: AOPRT 1F PORTA. +24 299
>Joey: AILNOQU E2 QUINOA +40 253
>Debbie: CEFINN C3 FENCIN. +28 327
>Joey: BCEEELX 8A BE.E +24 277
>Debbie: AEIIT A6 TI.IAE +8 335
>Joey: CEEGLSX B10 EXCEL +45 322
#note Too many awkward letters in this rack to attempt a last ditch bingo.
>Debbie: AAEEEIS 15A ASEA +30 365
>Joey: AGOST 14D TOGAS +12 334
>Joey: (EEI) +6 340
Player 2
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