Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Mike Mike
#player2 Nigel Nigel
>Mike: AIJO H5 JIAO +22 22
>Nigel: AEIMPSW I7 WIMP +29 29
>Mike: ABDEEPR J1 BEDRAPE +76 98
>Nigel: AACEIRS 10C AIRSCA.E +66 95
>Mike: EEILRSY C8 YE.RLIES +74 172
>Nigel: AAEINOQ 15A QI. +36 131
>Mike: BIMO 1G BIM.O +33 205
>Nigel: AAEILNO 2B AEOLIAN +74 205
>Mike: ADG K5 GAD +28 233
>Nigel: ?AGGLRS E4 GARGLe.S +86 291
>Mike: EFOORST 8A FO. +27 260
#note He told me after the game my bingo blocked F(O)OTSORE (adj: having sore or tired feet)
>Nigel: EINTUUV 4C VU. +14 305
#note (D)UVET or (A)UNTIE sim better, but I don't like creating a bunch of lines for my opponent with the blank unseen. Bingo chances are weak as is, I figure i'll build a bingo rack for when it gets more open.
>Mike: EORSTW 1A STOW +46 306
>Nigel: EINNTUY 14B T.ENY +36 341
>Mike: EKRT 11J TREK +18 324
>Nigel: HIINTUV 12L HINT +32 373
>Mike: ELNRT H10 .NTLER +21 345
>Nigel: ?EEIUUV 13G U.U +5 378
#note Exchanging leaving E? is an intriguing option; it likely sticks him with my garbage.
>Mike: FNOU O8 FOUN. +24 369
>Nigel: ?EEHIOV N6 VOE +19 397
#note Decided to block in case he happened to have drawn into one of the possible bingo combinations
>Mike: ADENOTZ L2 ZONED +40 409
>Nigel: ?CDEHIX M2 aXED +58 455
>Mike: AT 13M TA +20 429
>Mike: (CHI) +16 445
Player 2
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