Game Details
Player 1
#player1 al_helfgott al helfgott
#player2 scott_jackson scott jackson
>al_helfgott: GIRTTY 8G GRITTY +28 28
>scott_jackson: AIILLQR 7I QI +44 44
>al_helfgott: CDEGINR L4 DECR.ING +80 108
>scott_jackson: AFILLPR K2 FLIP +29 73
#note or PILAF
>al_helfgott: BEFO 11H BEFO. +22 130
>scott_jackson: AALRRRZ H11 .RAZA +51 124
>al_helfgott: IIII -IIII +0 130
>scott_jackson: DEILRRV 12C DRIVE. +20 144
#note not sure. also considered VAR and ARRIVED. Apparently the latter is bst.
>al_helfgott: AIV F12 .IVA +18 148
>scott_jackson: ?CEELOR C7 COLEa.ER +78 222
#note best
>al_helfgott: EU 7C .UE +5 153
>scott_jackson: LMMNNOO 8A LO.M +34 256
>al_helfgott: HNOS 15A NOSH +44 197
>scott_jackson: BGMNNOS 10B G.NOM +18 274
#note BONG 6D is better
>al_helfgott: AEW I13 WAE +32 229
>scott_jackson: ABIJNST E4 JIB.S +35 309
>al_helfgott: OP B13 PO. +18 247
>scott_jackson: AEENSTT J11 .ENS +29 338
#note TENTAGES. too focused on blocking out AX.
>al_helfgott: DEO F4 ODE +24 271
>scott_jackson: AAESTTU 4E ..TA +12 350
>al_helfgott: EKW H1 WEK. +33 304
>scott_jackson: AENSTUX I1 ETAS +31 381
>al_helfgott: DU G6 DU. +12 316
>scott_jackson: HINRTUX A4 THUR. +9 390
>al_helfgott: LY L4 ........LY +40 356
#note phony, but let's me make a setup
>scott_jackson: ?AINNUX 13L .IN +12 402
#note yes this is not that great but it works out
>al_helfgott: AAEIOT 14M TAO +12 368
>scott_jackson: ?ANUX 15N eX +53 455
>al_helfgott: AEI 3H ..I. +8 376
>scott_jackson: ANU 2K .AUN +14 469
>scott_jackson: (AE) +4 473
Player 2
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