Player 1 |
#player1 Kolton_Koehler Kolton Koehler
#player2 JD JD
>Kolton_Koehler: DEITY 8H DEITY +26 26
#note kolton can play. this one of my closest games of the tournament.
#note in spite of having coffee and eating awesome cameo pancake & steak breakfast I didn't feel that great for this game...still kinda dozy. I stared at this rack for a long time. I passed up two points for defense, which seems ok, but I missed the nicest play which is a DAY word!
>Kolton_Koehler: AMP 6F PAM +21 47
#note didn't see LODESTAR here. I probably could use a review of high prob bingos.
>Kolton_Koehler: ARY 10E RYA +31 78
>JD: EFOOORT D4 FOOTE. +22 107
#note nothing was coming easy this game, there are lots of other options available. I am pretty surprised that OF at 10A sims so well. It appears to do very well defensively even though the leave isn't so great.
>Kolton_Koehler: ?AGINPU 11G PAUsING +73 151
>JD: ?HORRST L1 HeRSTOR. +84 191
>Kolton_Koehler: AEZ 1L .AZE +48 199
#note in spite of getting lucky early I wasn't really pulling away
>JD: DEHKNNT 6K H.NK +21 212
#note a little bit of a gambling play
>Kolton_Koehler: EEILLNO 3E LONELIE. +60 259
#note this was starting not to look like my game
#note with a bunch of power tiles out and the esses I didn't really know what to do except turn over a bunch of tiles and score.
>Kolton_Koehler: AACEI H11 .ECIA +24 283
>JD: GGITTUW 11B TWIG +24 271
#note it's starting to not look so good
>Kolton_Koehler: AEFRTUX 10B FA +33 316
>JD: AAGQTTU 10K QUAG +34 305
#note another tough decision! AQUA just seemed too awful.
>Kolton_Koehler: CEIORSU O4 COSIER +45 361
#note I think he said he had a U? this is a really nice idea on his part.
>JD: AENTTWX 2H WAX +61 366
#note I was just about toast, but a lucky draw gives me some life - and if I'm lucky he won't have an E to play at 1H.
>Kolton_Koehler: BJ 5C J.B +24 385
#note huge break, he got hosed on his draw.
>JD: BEENNTT 1G NEB +38 404
>Kolton_Koehler: DIILSUU 5I SLU. +18 403
#note if he sees NAVETTE he can block but it's no better than taking the points
>JD: EENTTV 15G N.VETTE +11 415
#note interestingly I have non-outplays that are just as good as this.
>JD: (DIIU) +10 425
#note some tough racks and tough decisions early, but I really lucked out down the stretch.