Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Christian_O.B Christian O.B
#player2 Fadlan_Satria Fadlan Satria
>Christian_O.B: IIIPT 8G TIPI +12 12
#note I remembered drawed 3 I here
>Fadlan_Satria: AEEILOT G2 ETIOLA.E +61 61
>Christian_O.B: ABIOP 1E BOPA +35 47
>Christian_O.B: ABIOP -- -35 12
#note BOPA* not good
>Fadlan_Satria: BTTY 2F B.TTY +24 85
>Christian_O.B: ABIOP 1G PIA +34 46
>Christian_O.B: BEFIRRV (challenge) +5 51
#note 9-letter words worth to learn
>Fadlan_Satria: DM H7 D.M +13 98
>Christian_O.B: BEFIRRV 5C FERV.R +24 75
>Christian_O.B: BDENOSU (challenge) +5 80
#note Quackle like VIBIER 4D 24 and F9 FRIB 19 more. I guessing he will challenge FERVOR
>Fadlan_Satria: DEEFGIN F9 FEIGNED +74 172
#note Fadlan overdrawn, I picked his blank, yet he still can make a bingo....Missed 10A FEIGNED/PETIOLATED for 79... FEIGNED 9F was more risky and score lower
>Christian_O.B: BDENOSU 11A BEDOU.NS +72 152
>Christian_O.B: EHIKT (challenge) +5 157
#note Only 1 bingo available...
>Fadlan_Satria: GNORV D2 GOV.RN +20 192
>Christian_O.B: EHIKT 15A KITHE. +54 211
>Christian_O.B: AEHQUYZ (challenge) +5 216
>Fadlan_Satria: ?ANRRST J5 TRA.NeRS +59 251
#note 10H eRRANTS gave him 67 points
>Christian_O.B: AEHQUYZ 10B HEY +38 254
#note Missed 12 A YEAH for 54!!! Just too confidence with QUAZ leave in this board and HEY already score 38 points
>Fadlan_Satria: EORW H11 .WORE +36 287
>Christian_O.B: AAIQUWZ 14B QUA +53 307
#note Highest possible play
>Fadlan_Satria: LOO C5 .OOL +13 300
>Christian_O.B: AACIJWZ C1 CAZ +53 360
#note Funny enough. Fadlan FOOL give me high scoring J spot. However I found how to make my J unstoppable. That was one of the craziest consecutive set-up play
>Fadlan_Satria: ADEX I12 AXED +48 348
#note Fadlan tried hard to keep his score in same level with me
>Christian_O.B: AEIJNSW B2 JAW +60 420
#note That was like K.O punch for him....
>Fadlan_Satria: IM B6 MI +24 372
>Christian_O.B: AEINSUU D10 ..U +12 432
#note Quackle hates my bluffing play...T.T. 3J UNAU is best according to quackle. I don't dare to open the board first. Instead, playing only U will at least give Fadlan warn "What happened, maybe he is very close to bingo too", OMG what should I do???
>Fadlan_Satria: CILOS 14H ..COILS +30 402
#note If Fadlan hold his S, he would have 2 unblockable bingo line (TANGLES I3 or in column N. My best play UNAIS for 32 was too weak to overcome his bingo... That why quackle hate my play dump U. Because if Fadlan play RECOIL, I will doomed
>Christian_O.B: AEINOSU 15K UNAIS +27 459
>Christian_O.B: UNKNOWN (challenge) +5 464
#note Since Fadlan had only 6 tiles, I have no worry about bingo...
>Fadlan_Satria: ?AEGLN 3I tANGLE +19 421
>Fadlan_Satria: (EO) +4 425
#note Fadlan overscored his RECOILS by 6 points!!!
Player 2
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