Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Bill Bill
#player2 Quackle Quackle
>Bill: ABEGHOR H6 BEGORAH +84 84
#note By God, what a play!
>Quackle: ACKLLRT 12C KLATC. +30 30
>Bill: EGHJLTU G7 HUG +30 114
#note I felt like trying to draw into a bigger J play with a few reasonable spots to dump it if necessary.
>Quackle: AILPRRS 13A PRIAL +30 60
>Bill: EJLORTW I5 JOW +34 148
>Quackle: AAEFIRS 5I .AFA +28 88
>Bill: ELORRTY J4 R.Y +30 178
#note RYPER#, didn't know it.
>Quackle: EINORSX 3G OREXINS +96 184
#note OREXIN#+, a hormone that stimulates the appetite and is thought to be important for sleep regulation, aka hypocretin.

I thought hypocretin was somebody who was so hypocritical that they were just completely insufferable.
>Bill: CEELORT 4A ELECTOR +72 250
#note I passed on ELECTRO for two more for fairly obvious reasons, but I even considered passing on this and playing at 14E for six less because of how dangerous it is to open a good 3x3 shot against Quackle with both blanks out. Of course I have, given what I played, just about the easiest nine you could ask for, for 94. I ultimately decided that the 3x3 isn't that scary with a seven tile draw, plus there's already one open, albeit one that's harder to hit...
>Quackle: ?AIIMNR A8 RIfAM.IN +176 360
#note Though not impossible.
>Bill: DEINTUZ A1 DIZ.N +45 295
#note I saw LUZ, but I felt like I needed the extra 13 points / turnover for the blank right now.
>Quackle: EFGIOPS 3A .EP +38 398
>Bill: ?EENNTU 10H .UNE +6 301
#note Misses: (1) UNTENTED- honestly thought it was phony, and I don't like to abuse the opportunity to test words against Quackle; (2) UNEATEN at 14E- I'm still learning Collins threes by osmosis at this point, and I can't remember seeing ALU (apparently it's new, not that it would make a difference to me); (3) EN(GO)UmENT#- now that's just pathetic, missing ENGOUMENT.
As far as this play goes, I guess I was trying to set up an extra S hook and a couple more lanes. I don't know, it was an annoying turn.
>Quackle: FGIOOST 11K FIGO +26 424
>Bill: ?EINOST 1A .OwNIEST +77 378
#note I didn't think Quackle would play FIGO# there if it took an S (-3).
>Quackle: DOQSSTU O7 QUODS +54 478
>Bill: ADENTVY B9 NY +27 405
#note Really hated to hold onto the V, especially with another one in the wings, but there aren't really any plays that unload it while scoring, keeping lanes open, and balancing the leave.
>Quackle: DEEISTU G11 E.U +8 486
>Bill: AADEETV M11 .AVE +16 421
#note Well, at least it sets up an L hook, and there's an L left.
>Quackle: DEISTTV 2A .VIED +42 528
#note sweet
>Bill: AABDELT 15H DATABLE +98 519
#note yay
>Quackle: EIMOSTT 6A SOMITE +28 556
>Bill: W N11 .W +10 529
>Bill: (T) +2 531
Player 2
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