Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Christian_O.B Christian O.B
#player2 Albert_Martono Albert Martono
>Christian_O.B: ?AEOUXY 8E EAUX +22 22
#note Tricky best play... since I can play EUTAXY for 46 but burn the blanks. Quackle like EAUX more than EUTAXY
>Albert_Martono: MO 7G MO +23 23
>Christian_O.B: ?EEOSY 6E OYE +19 41
#note Couldn't find a bingo here (probably missed)... Forget about 1 other letter too
>Albert_Martono: I 7G ..I +6 29
#note This move clearly show he was really, really close to bingo play
>Christian_O.B: ?AEIORS 9F ISObARE +76 117
#note Quackle like ISOBARE too...
>Albert_Martono: EILNRST L8 R.ENLIST +70 99
#note Quackle 1st choice M3 LINTERS for 76 points... Highest possible bingo. The reason Albert play REENLIST, mainly because he was not sure ISOBARE can be +S
>Christian_O.B: EHLOW 15G HOWLE. +36 153
>Albert_Martono: AQT 14F QAT +39 138
>Christian_O.B: AADMNP 5C DAMN +27 180
#note Without see 1 other tile quackle best play: PADMA 5B. Don't know either that word.. Need to study 5 letters more often
>Albert_Martono: LV J8 L.V +14 152
#note I clearly have no Idea this was balancer move or preparing for another bingo. But it block my CAPPING
>Christian_O.B: ACGIPP 4B PIP +25 205
>Albert_Martono: GJ 13K J.G +22 174
#note A clear sign that Albert LAV was balancer, he draw too many consonant
>Christian_O.B: AAACDEG 10B CAAED +26 231
#note Interesting here. Quackle love my play CAAED for 26 it valuates about 1 points higher than CADAGA. WHY?? CADAGA dump 3A, leave E and block bingo line (I was 30 points ahead), so defensive play was 1st priority. CADAGA/LAVA scored 27 and block that main bingo line.... Again I have no idea what quackle thinking that make CAAED a little stronger than CADAGA
>Albert_Martono: DHIN 11B HIND +33 207
>Christian_O.B: ABGSU 3A BUG +26 257
#note Not really sure about GUB (3 letter errorneous....)
>Albert_Martono: BENT 12A BENT +35 242
>Christian_O.B: AAIRSTW N10 WAIST +44 301
#note Quackle like AW leave AIRST for 29 better. I'm agree, STAIR leave was very conducive to bingo, the problem was, I DON'T SEE THAT AW SPOT
>Albert_Martono: OUY A12 .UOY +27 269
>Christian_O.B: AEIIORR O6 OARIER +25 326
#note Quackle suggest: K6 ROARIE for 25 leave IR. Clearly better move... OARIER/AIRIER really exposed vowel... While Z still unseen. The problem, I not sure about ROARIE... However that spot was the spot that will help me later
>Albert_Martono: EKRT N3 TREK +34 303
#note Fortunately, Albert only had K, not Z
>Christian_O.B: EFIINTZ 7C FIZ +34 360
#note Another stupidity here. Clearly not see I could play NIFTIER, leave only Z to block bingo line. FIZ was really nice leave, but at this point, blocking play is really better for me than chasing for bingo
>Albert_Martono: ?DEGORU 4G GROUnDE. +70 373
#note Quackle noticed what happened here. He suggest best move for albert, B10 CHEGOE 36, leave RUD?, hold your bingo. The unseen problem is, the remained tile, was balanced enough, but it contain some poisonous combination such as C, F and V together. Quackle think, if he not bingo, he will have less chance to drawing C and V, therefore I will get C and V and albert was able to catch me with my unplayed C and V.. think about..
>Christian_O.B: AEINNOT K7 NO.IA +23 383
#note Quackle suggest play NET first. That's better, since Albert can only play VEE to block my NORIA spot, and I can still finish the game with ANION for 15.
>Albert_Martono: CEFLSV B14 FE +25 398
#note Albert move was 9th best. His best was EFS/ECHE/FAIN for 34. However he still lost by 8
>Christian_O.B: ENT 9A TEN +18 401
>Christian_O.B: (CLSV) +18 419
Player 2
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