Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Hyendi_Gumilang Hyendi Gumilang
#player2 Christian_O.B Christian O.B
>Hyendi_Gumilang: AAAAAAA -AAAAAAA +0 0
#note I clearly have no idea what Hyendi was holding here... He declared to exchange many tiles..

>Christian_O.B: BERSSSV 8D VERBS +28 28
#note No other good option than this... Clearly no-brainer best play
>Hyendi_Gumilang: ADEEEST F8 .ESEATED +63 63
#note Only 1 bingo available for Hyendi
>Christian_O.B: AISSTUW 15D WA.IS +39 67
>Hyendi_Gumilang: DEFX 11E F.DEX +32 95
#note FEDEX 11C is better than 11E? I have no idea what quackle is thinking....
>Christian_O.B: EILNSTU 12H LUNIEST +78 145
>Hyendi_Gumilang: CDDEGNR K8 REDD.NG +20 115
#note Best move for Hyendi here was funny, FEDEXED 11E for 46 points. Leaving C only for 20 points, in quackle opinion, is out from 15 best play
>Christian_O.B: AAEKLMY 8K .EAMY +33 178
#note 14I MYGALE 40 clearly best play. Don't know that word.
>Hyendi_Gumilang: CIIR E5 ICI.R +16 131
#note I suspecting Hyendi has another I and R when he dumped it
>Christian_O.B: AAAFHKL 7L AKA +29 207
#note I played AKA so I can place FAH neatly in top of it. However quackle don't like it (probably it also easy to Hyendi to use it). Quackle best move 7L HAAF 31
>Hyendi_Gumilang: JTUY N10 JU.TY +62 193
>Christian_O.B: AFHLO 6L FOH +46 253
#note Forget another 2 tiles here. FOH is better because AL is more conducive to form bingo.. Also 7 O still unseen
>Hyendi_Gumilang: EGINNRT - +0 193
#note I clearly have no idea what Hyendi was holding again. He declared to exc again
>Christian_O.B: AIILMO M12 .IMI +23 276
>Hyendi_Gumilang: EGINNRT H1 RENTING. +80 273
#note Quackle line TERNING 4C better than RENTINGS although worth 4 points less.
>Christian_O.B: AELNOOR I6 OO +9 285
#note My blunder start here... RELOAN clearly stronger play
>Hyendi_Gumilang: EQUU 2F QU.UE +36 309
>Christian_O.B: AELLNOR O1 RELOAN +31 316
#note Spotted LLANERO but no place to play. Fortunately I have another O for RELOAN
>Hyendi_Gumilang: AP N2 PA +18 327
#note Probably Hyendi preparing for bingo from here
>Christian_O.B: BCILOT D1 CIBOL +26 342
#note Another blunder... COB J4 is better (without accounting 1 unknown tile here...
>Hyendi_Gumilang: IOZ 1A ZOI. +45 372
>Christian_O.B: ?OPT 2A OP +27 369
>Hyendi_Gumilang: AGOT J4 TOGA +21 393
#note TOGA M1 is better

>Christian_O.B: ?AEHNTV K2 sHAN +32 401
#note Fatal mistake here... The reason why I played there because I'm so sure RAWL* was a good word. I've spotted easy play ETH for 32, leave unstoppable AVE?, but I thought, Hyendi will play RAWL* and finish the game first....T.T
>Hyendi_Gumilang: ?LRW L3 aW +24 417
#note Now that's funny... The only Hyendi can do to finish the game, is WHORL 4B.. LOL... It completely blocked if I play ETH. Hyendi knew he can block my VETO play, but he was really sure that my biggest play was there, and he counted if he played AW he still won by 1.. So he decided to leave it, he was too afraid that I could, finish the game somewhere with less score, but still able to catch him because he will sacrifice much points to block that spot
>Christian_O.B: ETV 4A VET. +11 412
>Christian_O.B: (LR) +4 416
Player 2
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