Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Christian_O.B Christian O.B
#player2 Fadlan_Satria Fadlan Satria
>Christian_O.B: AAAENOT -AAO +0 0
#note Exc AAO is best according quackle...
>Fadlan_Satria: ERTZ 8F TREZ +26 26
>Christian_O.B: AEMNNOT 9H MONTANE +77 77
>Fadlan_Satria: AGJR L8 J.GRA +42 68
>Christian_O.B: BEI 8L .IBE +45 122
>Fadlan_Satria: OVW 7M VOW +33 101
>Christian_O.B: EEFLSTV 10G VELE +30 152
>Christian_O.B: AFT (challenge) +5 157
#note VELE slightly better than FEEL F10 because better leave FTS vs VTS
>Fadlan_Satria: AY 10L .AY +39 140
>Christian_O.B: AFT K11 AFT +21 178
#note Undescored by 2!!! Counted 19 and wrote 19 in my scoresheet
>Fadlan_Satria: ADEIOST 13D TOADIES. +62 202
>Fadlan_Satria: ADEIOST -- -62 140
#note Fadlan actually can play TOADIES B7, no one noticed it
>Christian_O.B: EGHISTX M12 GI +13 191
#note My strategy, is A FLAW. Because at this point I just realized I cannot place HEX underneath TOADIES. However, AFTS* was not good, and I will challenge it if Fadlan "dare" to bingo there. My main scenario strategy was still, that Fadlan will play DOT to set himselft a bingo line... That will be the perfect spot for my X
>Fadlan_Satria: ADEIOST 13I DO. +6 146
#note Fadlan did what I planned!
>Christian_O.B: EHLRSTX 14H LEX +54 245
#note LEX valuates better than HEX, I believe that quackle think what I'm thought too
>Fadlan_Satria: ?AEISTU 15C SITUlAE +81 227
#note SITULAE was best move, no doubt here
>Christian_O.B: DHRRSTT H6 TH...D +12 257
>Christian_O.B: DEORRST (challenge) +5 262
#note Quackle suggest: EXC DRTT as best move. Maybe quackle think that leaving HRS give me high scoring oppoturnity in O10... I prefer it maybe true that exc was stronger play than THEMED 6H 12 leave STRR. However for somehow I believe I will get appropriate vowel after this
>Fadlan_Satria: AEIINRS F1 RAINIES. +62 289
#note Fadlan best move according to quackle is D6 INERTIAS for same 62 points but leave only S in D15 for possible bingo play. Fadlan best scoring move is 2nd best move, AIRINESS 8C. RAINIEST is 3rd best, it's just too risky to overcome 62 points
>Christian_O.B: DEORRST C8 RODSTER. +70 332
#note RODSTERS C8 is better than ROADSTER 2D, ROADSTER close nine-timer oppoturnity but score 62 and still provide him high-scoring spot
>Fadlan_Satria: FKO 8A FO.K +48 337
>Christian_O.B: DEEGLQS 1A LEDGE. +30 362
#note LEDGER was better than GELDER according to quackle... Don't know why. I choose LEDGER, because I don't 100% sure about GELDER, and if I got challenged off now, much more likely it will ended up my hope to winning this game
>Fadlan_Satria: MU 14E UM +22 359
>Christian_O.B: HIPQS E3 HIP +31 393
#note I forgot about 2 other letters here. Quackle suggest QIS as best move (without accounting 2 unkown letter). Reasonable too, as keeping Q is danger... And with only 3 A available my chance of playing 12 A QATS is low, and it will easily countered to triple word since 2 U's still unseen
>Fadlan_Satria: ?AEINNR A6 IN.ERNAl +61 420
#note Fadlan best move here: FIbRANNE A8 for 83 points. Alien-word bingo... His 2nd best bingo: 6C playtrough E ant T, ENtERTAIN 68 points (common words, but very hard to spot it). INFERNAl was 3rd best
>Christian_O.B: CILNOQS 4D Q.. +24 417
#note Quackle best move: LOCI 14L leave NQS gave me almost 60% chance of winning... Seriously?? Maybe quackle think that if I picking up U, it will be perfect for my Q (QUIN), since the remained tile is hard to Fadlan to play in there and get great score
>Fadlan_Satria: BCU 13E CUB +20 440
>Christian_O.B: CILNOSY B12 NY +13 430
#note Now this is just STUPID for me... I don't know I can make a bingo ACYLOINS in F2 (don't know the word either)... Next best move were INFERNALLY (don't know either it can be plus LY.... Both of that play gave me 100% of winning, no matter what Fadlan have in rack and what letter I get from bag. Simply my vocabulary still can't reach that level
>Fadlan_Satria: AIOOPUW 6H .UPAI +13 453
#note Fadlan can win just a single points, if he know and block with UPO. My last play after SIC G1 will be too weak to catch him..
>Christian_O.B: ACILOS O10 SOCIAL +41 471
#note Fadlan TUPAI* allowed me to win with SOCIAL 010, SCOLIA A10, or ASOCIAL K1
>Christian_O.B: (OOW) +12 483
Player 2
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